Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

...from the hoards of angry, attitude-filled customers, to the presents piling up under my tree, to the snow drifts under the windows (and, in the case of the blizzard last week, in the roads)...

And also to the piles of Christmas cards that I've been slowly signing and addressing. Fun, Fun. I always start this project out with wild excitement and humor ~~until I've spent what feels like hours signing and addressing, and looking up addresses of people who's I've lost through the past year. It's made worse this year, because of the fact I've been really sick for the last week, so I do some and then nap.. and do some, and then doze off. That's why I'm finally signing off the computer in the wee hours of this morning, been sleeping off and on in front of it, doing these cards because the great holiday is only A WEEK AND HALF away! My ultimate goal is to have these cards in everyone's mailboxes by the holiday. I don't know if I'll be able to make it into all of them, but I'm trying my hardest..

I've gotta go crash into my comfy bed now, with my layers (and layers) of blankets. I cannot stay awake any longer. I hope that you, dear reader, are having a wonderful week and I plan on writing more in the next couple of days. See you then!

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Coralville, Iowa, United States