Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's all relative..

9:00n a.m.

I am running late. (What else is new? Time is relative to some people. I'll be sure to share the theories I've found at a later date!)

Even though I am running behind, I just had to exclaim- I LOVE the feeling of bare grass underfoot!! And we had a massive thunderstorm las night, so it was wet as well. Woot!

Haven't heard from Adam since yesterday afternoon, even though I've sent him a few texts. Last thing I got from him was to the effect that he, "wasn't goin' to say nothin'."Not the easiest thing not to reply that that sentence really says he'll say a lot! It was in response to the fact that I teased him for telling me to 'chill'. Oh well, I'm used to mood swings of people, god knows my family is plagued with them on my mom's side and my step sister on my father's side is bi-polar. It was really extreme when she was in her teens/early twenties.

I have to go take a quick shower now and be off to work.



9:08 a.m.

1 comment:

Lady Moonlight said...

I love to walk in grass too, minus any icky things like stickers. If its pure green grass, its the best :) Course, I don't like to wear shoes a lot anyway..

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Coralville, Iowa, United States