Friday, March 20, 2009

After a bit of a hiatus,...

...I am back. I didn't realize just how much time had passed since my last post. It seems stimultaneously like just yesterday and a year since my last writing.

I was jarred back into thinking about my blog and my writings when I got a message from one of my readers just about fifteen minutes ago. I didn't think much about my blogging, and didn't think that in the grand scheme of everything online that it would be missed if I stopped. I know I'm just another bodiless being in the world wide internet universe.

But, I got this nice message on my myspace page from one of my dear readers. It may seem ordinary and bland to many people, but I was touched by it. I hope you don't mind my sharing, dear reader!

"Hey sweetie, its occurred to me that I haven't read a blog or spoke to you in a while so I thought I would come on here and say hey and see how you are doing.
Hope all is well!"

So, I will attempt to write more regularly again..although I cannot do the daily (or double daily) writing that I was doing before. My computer completely died at the end of January, which leaves me with the main computer in the house, at which I get zero privacy at most of the time. I really wish I could replace my computer, but alas the money situation doesn't seem to be loosening any time soon! And in this tight economy, I think I can come up with far more pressing matters to put my resources to, as I am sure all of my readers can understand!

Quick recap of the past two months:

I got promoted the first week of February-finally!! No longer am I a complete lowly sales associate in shoes! I am now the Jewelry Sales Coordinater, which is above the regular associates in the department and just below the department manager. I am learning her job, so in the future, who knows? I like it much better! Now, give me some music to work with and I'd be really happy!

Speaking of music, I've started going to some shows downtown. And, although it's only been two so far, I throughly enjoyed myself! So far, these bands are the ones that have entranced me:

Snow Demon
Admiral of the Black
Valient Thorr

This development in my musical experiences wouldn't have been possible without my great boyfriend, Adam. Yes, I am still with the guy that I started dating in January. And I couldn't be happier! We are doing very well, at least I think so!

I've made a few good friends in my department, they started working for the company right when I transferred over to the Jewelry department. They are pretty rockin' chicks! Meredith and I plan on meeting for a show tomorrow night, and Sierra and I are working on starting a group to do paranormal investigations.

1 comment:

Philemon said...

*big hugs*

Miss ya...glad things are going so well for ya!

About Me

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Coralville, Iowa, United States