Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I feel like chomping down on a big bag of M&M's. No relevant to anything, really, just had to say it. I think that would totally blow my efforts of the last week --to eat healthier and cut out most of the sweets out of my overall diet--totally out of the water. By the way, it's not an actual diet, I just used that word for lack of a better one. I meant all the food that I consume. I resolved to start eating better a week or so ago, I was drinking waaaaaaaaaay to much Pepsi, and eating far to many sweets and hot pockets and little else.

You know the saying, "Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever"? Well, I think it's the opposite for me. I am with the love of my life, been over two years now. I am head over heels, madly in love, crazy for him. He's stuck with me, no matter what! We wouldn't have it any other way either.

On the other hand, I have this other friend named Jennifer. I have known her since the first day of third grade. (Along with a third girl named Jenny as well. We were an inseparable threesome, until around ninth/tenth grade. That's when the other Jenny started diving into being a slut and slept with every sleazy guy she could. I dropped that friendship rather quickly because I couldn't associate with her after that, my morals clashed with the lack of hers. Jennifer dropped the friendship between them by the end of our junior year.)

Anyway, Jennifer and I were close growing up and all the way through high school, through the bad event of her miscarriage the year after high school and bad breakups on both sides. However, it seems like she is still stuck in our teen years. She doesn't seem to know how to handle it when things go wrong. If someone lies to her or deliberately hurts her in some way, she doesn't know how to react. For a couple of years now, I have felt us drift further apart, and I don't think there is anything to be done about it. We each have separate lives, and don't fit into each other's like we used to. She doesn't know how to hold a job, she listens to hearsay about her husband, off again/on again wanting to break up with him. As far as I can see, he's the best thing to happen to her EVER, but she's going to screw it up.

It just feels like the friendship has served it's purpose in the whole scheme of things, and I know that if I hadn't been friends with her throughout school, then I wouldn't be now. If I met her somewhere tonight, it wouldn't strike me to continue the acquaintance any further then the end of the evening.

Does that sound horrible? I am just stating it how I see it, and how I feel. Believe me, I have been rolling it around in my head for a couple of years without realizing it. I have been seriously thinking about it for the last few months.

Do I just delete her off of my Myspace and email lists, and ignore her calls, or what? I have no desire to talk to her at all...

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Coralville, Iowa, United States