Wednesday, January 16, 2008

complain city

My head hurts, my neck hurts, and my back hurts... (complain city, huh?)

and I am tired.. super super tired...

I hate when my back is killing me. It can go a couple of months with just moderate or little throbbing pain that I can deal with and work through with (almost) no problem. Then, all of a sudden, BAM!! I wake up and I can't even walk upright for more then a minute or two at a time. Doing my work turns into the equivalent of climbing a mountain or something similar.

The latest BAM!! (with exclamation points, yes) was yesterday, leaking into today. Yesterday, it was a definite test to my abilities to perform my job, or even act like a modern human. Moving empty cardboard boxes sent sharp needles of pain up my back, and walking upright was just a dream. It got a little better later in the afternoon, but it's still not enjoyable today.

Hopefully I will wake up in the morning feeling better. I'm also testy today off and on, due to the pain. I mean, how would anyone act if they felt like they were having hot ice picks being jammed up their spine?

And I don't know what causes it... maybe from falling in cheer leading in high school? Or perhaps the time I was kicked VERY hard in the back by my friend's brother, who was a bully? I have no clue... but it's not great.

Anywho, off to bed for me...

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Coralville, Iowa, United States