Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Well, I think this blog is just all for me...

... Jeff is the only one who has this blog's web address, and I don't think he's looked at it at all. He didn't seem that interested when I emailed the link to him in an email that I wrote him, when I mentioned the email later... ah well, It's really not that important and that just means I can forget all about readership and just write anything in my head. I usually censor myself, and my thoughts that I put out when others are present, who doesn't? But there are so many things in my life (and absent from my life) that bug the hell out of me... now I can express them without worrying about the possible responses that I would get...

Today at work was hell again, and when I came home with mother on lunch, she was in such a rush to get back early that I left my purse on the counter with my car keys. I realized this when I finally got to clock out. I was on the phone with Jeff, and he said he would come give me a ride to the house to get the keys and then back to work to pick up my car. How amazing is he?? I would've walked home, but he didn't like that idea... wasn't safe, I totally understand where he was coming from. Once he realized where I usually park, he didn't like that idea either! I promised I would park with the rest of humanity from now on. (I usually park at the side of the building, back by the grocery loading docks.)

It was very nice to see him unexpectedly, and to get to kiss him and cuddle next to him in the car. I love him so much, and missed him horribly all day. His new job's schedule and my work schedule don't mesh well, so our time together is rare lately. It will all work out though, and it will get better someday.

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Coralville, Iowa, United States