Thursday, January 21, 2010

How very odd..

I seem to write A LOT less when I am happy and doing alright, compared to when I am depressed and having a rough time.

I just want to say, for the moment, that I have been hanging out with two of the awesome-est people that I've had the pleasure of meeting in a very long time. I have only really known them for a few weeks but have gotten more closer to them than I have to people that I have known for years. And much faster than I usually do!

I can't believe it's been since the 6th since I've written anything, but come to think about it, that's when I started really talking to Brent and Adam and trying to be more socialable at work. Shortly after that is when I met Jaclynn and really hit it off with her. My relations with her and 'office hubby' are really explaining to me different feelings I've been having over the years and my different tastes. Interesting.. I have many thoughts rolling around in my head, but I'll let them keep molding into complete-ness by themselves and share them as they do so.

I just wanted to say that, "Yes, I am okay." and "Yes, I am doing quite fine!"... and, "No, I haven't gotten back with my ex and have no intentions on doing so or even continueing a friendship. I want to move forward and up. I just don't feel like I can do so if I let him back in."

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Coralville, Iowa, United States