Sunday, September 14, 2008

Survey says...

I shouldn't email him again.. okay, I can agree with that. I might need some sense knocked into my head now and again though..

So, things are going simultaneously smoothly and crazy-hectic at the same time.

My classes ROCK! Well, more importantly, I am ROCKIN' my classes! I've been getting A's on every accounting assignment, and even though my Psychology exam didn't exactly rock.. I did better than 17 of my classmates! I got a C, 17 of my classmates got D's and F's on our first exam. Can you say, 'Ouch'?

Okay, now for the crazy-hectic part..working at the Dungeon. It's even worse than usual. How is that possible, you ask? Simple. We have a store-wide inventory in FOUR days, and we are only 50% or so completed to being ready for it. That's horrible.

I mean, seriously. My co-workers are driving me crazy. There are (verbal) fights going on in the backroom (and sometimes on the floor). The backroom is filled with freight and arguing associates. That leaves the floor empty to customers not being helped. We are still WAAAAYYY short-staffed, so we have to go up front to cashier regularly as well.

Sounds like LOADS of fun, huh? Makes you want to come work for the dungeon, right?

So, dear reader, are you going to rush right out and fill out an app to work with me?

What do you think of Third Eye Blind? I love this song.. it reminds me of my thoughts much of the time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does the "Dungeon" come with Igor? Hmmmm? Are co-workers allowed to flirt with each other? hehe

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Coralville, Iowa, United States