Saturday, May 3, 2008

50 things(took three days after I took on the challenge!)

Here are 50 facts about myself. I got the challenge from Shauna's blog, and took on the task. I feel accomplished, but very happy it's done! LOL

1.)I am half Cherokee Indian, a fourth German, and a fourth Irish(? My mind has gone blank lol)
2.)I'm a bit OCD, I HAVE to check on things three times. (Example: check the floor 3x for anything small the puppy can get a hold of in the night, check the stove top 3x after I cook supper to make sure it's off…)
3.)I was born on August 7th, 1984, in Iowa City, Iowa.
4.)My brother and I are exactly eight years, one month, and twelve hours apart. My childhood best friend Josh and I are exactly two years and two days apart.
5.)I HATE spiders and other little crawly things. If I get a bug on me, I have to take a shower as soon as possible, because I think I feel crawlies all over me!
6.)I first read Stephen King's IT when I was 11 years old, in the course of one very long summer day… (ah, to not have any responsibilities again…)
7.)I typically choose what book I'm going to read next as I am starting another.(I don't even have to think about it, I pick up a book, and as I am opening it's cover I decide. "I want to read Misery next."
8.)I adore my puppy and cat.
9.)Being around people bugs me more and more. I'd rather sit by myself at home, and be quiet then to be with many other people.
10.)When I am in public, I can't stand to have lots of people around me at once. I hate people right behind me. I have a rather large personal space when it comes to people I don't know.

11.)I have so many ideas about my perfect wedding.. But to get to that point is treacherous. (E.g. red bridesmaid dresses, green cummerbunds/ties for the men….)
12.)I HATE bananas!
14.)I am horribly superstitious about the number 13.
15.)I have zero self-esteem.
16.)I consider math to be the MOST BORING subject in the world. (Sorry, Jeff!) My mind automatically goes daydreaming, unfortunately.
17.)My favorite subject is music.
18.)I started singing when I started talking.
19.)The first songs I learned how to sing were Michael Jackson's Thriller and Reba McEntire's Fancy. That was when I was two.
20.)I've wanted to be a professional singer so bad ever since.

21.)I prefer my record player to my CD or MP3 player
22.)I've never been to a concert, except the one my mom took me to when I was very little, Pam Tillis. That was an outdoor hay rack ride sort of thing, like a fair I think.
23.)I'm a huge Hanson freak. Have been since they came out with their first album on a big label, Middle of Nowhere. No, I don't have their posters covering every inch of my walls anymore, but I still listen to all of their stuff and get excited when new albums come out! (I'm a dork lol)
24.)I am one of those people who sing at the top of their lungs, with the windows down, in my car to every song that comes on. But, I won't sing in front of other people, I am far to shy and self-conscious for that! I've been told that I should work on projecting my voice, and that would make a big improvement. I didn't tell the adviser that I defiantly have projection when I'm alone!
25.)I'm one happy lady whenever a song by Toby Keith or Trace Adkins comes on.
26.)My perfect day to spend by myself would be on the beach reading.
My perfect day with Jeff would be on the beach together, on the floating ropes :)
27.)I consider Kimmy my best 'girl' friend. Strange thing? She lives in Washington, and we have never actually met face to face. However, we've talked for hours upon hours online, and know tons about each other. I think it's definitely on my to-do to have a get together sometime!!
28.)My other best friend is Jeff. Makes sense huh? I love you baby!
29.)I LOVE the color red. So many people tell me I look good in it, so the clothes I buy are usually red now.
30.)I want to be a momma before I get too old.

31.)However, I'm scared to death that I won't be a good one.
32.)I remember the last thing I heard my father say the final time he came and visited me. It was one day, shortly before I turned two, after bedtime. It was 'Your room is like a Toys r' Us!'. I didn't hear from him again for fourteen years.
33.)In fourth grade, I collected cool rocks off of the playground. Everyday I would search for one that had fossils or some cool aspect to it and put it on my top shelf of my locker. I had an ice cream bucket full by the end of the year.
34.)My favorite things to do are sleep and read.
35.)Cowboys are hot. Not the fat wannabes, but the muscled, thin ones :P Then again, bad boys are to, but you can't settle down with a bad boy, nor do I want to. I want my man to be just that, a man. One that can and will take care of me, and take care of himself. Jeff is very good at that. Good thing he is hot and loves me.. cause I love him! He's the perfect example of Tall, dark, and handsome, which is hot.
36.)I am a firm believer that people who abuse children/women need to be shot.
37.)People who seriously think about children in sexual ways and also get off on such 'encounters' with innocent children need to be locked away, and the key thrown away. This would be after they are castrated/spayed, depending on the gender of the offender! It's sickening the amount of news coverage on this lately.
38.)I love water!
39.)I hit my head many many times growing up, actually knocking myself out. Once, during summer camp, once on the playground equipment in fifth grade, and a few other times. (Times I can't remember right now, LOL!)
40.)Muscles are a big turn-on.. Admittedly, obesity is an utter turnoff. (I know, it sounds like I am very superficial, but it's just how I feel, and really I'm not! I swear!)

41.)Strangely, in this materialistic world we're living in, I don't place to much importance on possessions or status. I still want to live my life relationship-wise, for example, like Alan Jackson's song, 'Livin' On love'. Money really doesn't mean that much to me anymore, as long as I can buy what I need to get by, and support my-self, my pets, and someday my family. I just want the one I love back here with me.
42.)My favorite sweet treat in the whole world are cow tails.. You know, they are sold at very few gas stations any more, twenty five cents a piece still? Yummmmmmmmm…………….
43.)I am very very forgetful. I have to write down everything, lest I forget something important. Someone can say something to me one minute, and the next I will have no clue what they wanted me to recall! My boss, however, is really cool, and she writes down everything as she tells me! That way I can just look at the notebook.
44.)Technology is getting boring to me. I am getting burned out on it more and more, preferring my computer/phone/TV to be off more than on. I like quiet, peace, and silence.
45.)My biggest fear is fire. Might well stem from an accident when I was very little.
46.)If I never had to step foot in a Wal-mart or other mass-warehouse store again, I'd be quite happy!
47.)I totally rock at NES games, and most specifically at Pac-Man, Tetris and Super Mario Bros.
48.)I love scary movies, but more often then not I hide my eyes at the really bad parts.
49.)I hate making birthday lists, or asking for things. I feel I am being selfish and self-centered.
50.)I love painting. I've yet to find the perfect spot for my easel however. I also need canvas' and paints that I can't afford. So I haven't painted in far too long.


Anonymous said...

*hugs* I feel the same way about you!! You're one of my best friends!!

Philemon said...

Heh, I read It in one day too...when I was about 14. Read just about everything King has written.

About Me

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Coralville, Iowa, United States