Saturday, May 17, 2008

The past couple of weeks..

I haven't felt the urge to blog for quite some time, but it's definately past time to do so. The last week and a half has been different, but a much needed break. I needed a break from the ever stressful and annoying dungeon. I had almost reduced myself to using this:

It was thirty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band....... oh wait, that's not what I was going to type about! *sorry, the Beatles overtook my brain waves and produced lyrics.*

It was two weeks ago (this next monday), *much better*, and I was sitting up front yet again on the self-checkouts. It was about 2pm, just after. I'd been there for five hours, and was looking forward to having my lunch in less than an hour. Store Manager Steven came up and used the phone on the self-checkouts. He didn't say anything to me besides 'hi'. So then he walks away. Less than five minutes later, Co-Chris comes up and asks me why I am sitting down (for the umpteenth time that the question was asked of me since I got my doctor's note back in December.) I told him that it was for my back, that I was not supposed to be standing up front, either on the door or self-checkouts, and not to be on a regular register at all. He asked me again and again why that was any different then working on the floor. I, of course, was explaining to him, again and again, that the movements are different and that is why I could do the floor and not up front. Also, in my department, there are benches if I need to sit while doing price changes, and there is also a generous handful of people that refuse to let me move heavy boxes if they are around.

(although they don't look like THAT..but you know...)

So anyway, he tells me that he is going to go pull my file and see exactly what it says, and what my papers are all about. So... about fifteen or so minutes go by, and he come back up front, telling the CSM to get me off the self-checkout so I can go to the back and talk to him and Steven. Lo, and behold, guess what? ALL of my medical papers pertaining to my back (and all health) have *disappeared* out of my file. Very interesting. Of course, I know they existed, and also know I had a copy on the shoe desk. So, I go out to my department and JoAnn and I look all over the stupid thing. Guess what? they are all gone. So I go back to the office and tell them I can't find my copy. Steven says that he can't let me work, until I get a new doctor's note, and if it doesn't allow me to do what my job requires, then I have to go on medical leave. So, I had to miss the rest of the day of work.

I didn't have a doctor's appointment until Wednesday, and no pressing place to be, so I went over to see Kirk and Marsha. Marsha wasn't home, so I told Kirk what happened and came back home to hide. One of the many many times that I wish Jeff was still around, because I could have definately used his arms around me then. I had to settle for him to arrive home from classes, so I could call and tell him what happened. He wasn't very empathic, at first. He told me that I should have stood my ground, and tell them that they lost the note, yadayada...but then he got sympathetic a bit. I love him. So, I started on my resume. And spring Cleaning.

Went to my doctor on Wednesday, and he insisted on giving me a note keeping me off of work until April 18th, a full week and half later. Which pulled things very very tight and stressful, because my sick hours would only take me until the end of that exact day and then I was screwed for pay. When I got home that night, I told Jeff what happened and told him I wouldn't be able to afford gas money. I asked him if he could supply the gas money so I could still come for my visit. He said he would. Now, I need your input, dear reader. If you were dating someone for 2 1/2 years, and haven't seen them in a couple of months, you would think they would take care of everything so you can come to them right?? I mean, I had every intention of paying for the gas when I went, but now I am very short on money. Jeff promised gas money two weeks ago so I can be sure to leave first thing Thursday, but I haven't received it yet. What do you think? I know how finances are and it's not me personally, but.......Anyway..that's just something that has been bugging me, and wanted input/ideas from you.

So, anyway...For the next week, I concentrated on my spring cleaning, and rearranging my living room. This is due to the fact that there is a friggin' leak on the wall between us and the other people on the other half. That's right folks, I found the culprit of the moldy books that I discovered on the bottom shelf of my bookcase about a month ago. But, they insist that they don't have any leaks. We even went over today, and their basement is dry. So where is the water coming from??? There is no water pipes in that wall at all!!

Anyway, I had another doctor's appointment last Wednesday, (three days ago). I told him he HAD to take my restrictions off, so I could go back to work. Without work, I couldn't afford my medicine or any further treatment. He actually wrote a medical note lifting my restrictions on Monday. No arguments from him, like I thought. Which was weird... maybe because I had to wait forty-five minutes in the exam room for his appearance? No idea... Anyway, I go back to work at the good old dungeon on Monday. I don't plan on doing ANYTHING tomorrow, except get up at eight, so I won't be too off kilter getting up early on Monday. Honestly, I don't plan on doing anything more than required of me at work. I'm finished with giving my all, when they do these things to me.

I have some feelers out there for new things to do, so we will see if anything comes of them. I am also wanting to go back to school sooooo badly now.

Okay... I'll blog more in another entry.. this one is long enough for a book, don't you think?

So, dear reader, what's you input on any of the chapters above? I love your thoughts and ideas!!


Anonymous said...

You know what I think hun..kinda sounds like hes up to something but I dunno..

Philemon said...

I read the whooooole thing! YAY!

A few thoughts...yeah, I'd expect him to be more than happy to cough up the gas money if he could afford it. Would never want to be away from someone I loved for any length of time.

Good luck with the job hunting...doesn't sound like the people you work for are very nice. (actually sounds like they lost your paperwork on purpose). Your coworkers sound cool though.

And give that school thing some serious thought.

About Me

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Coralville, Iowa, United States