I've been having the weirdest dreams as well lately.. zombies, and ghosts..In one that I remember, I was living in this bigger house, with two stair cases going up to the same floor three rooms. Unfortunately, every time we tried using that hallway we would be attacked by ghosts! Except there was enough to these ghosts that they could kill us. So we bricked up the sliding glass doors that led to that hallway and had to be content with the HUGE living room/kitchen/marble bathroom and bedrooms. But then, the ghosts started flying in the front door on carriages. Soooooooooooo very odd!
I think the worst one was definately the one I had a few nights ago in which Jeff brought along another girl on his visit to come see me and explained it was his Lincoln girlfriend and in the dream they preceded to go out dancing and stuff without me, they stayed at K&M's without me and then he didn't know why I was mad! Then, later in the dream, he suggested we all have some 'fun' together! She was taller with shoulder length straight black hair. Thin, a model's body, and had piercings in unusual places...
The weirdest dream ever! Cause I know he would never have a second girlfriend, and never would I take part in a threesome! I like him all to myself!
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