By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO, AP Business Writer Tue Apr 29, 6:04 PM ET
NEW YORK - The for-sale listings on the online hub Craigslist come with plaintive notices, like the one from the teenager in Georgia who said her mother lost her job and pleaded, "Please buy anything you can to help out."
Or the seller in Milwaukee who wrote in one post of needing to pay bills — and put a diamond engagement ring up for bids to do it.
Struggling with mounting debt and rising prices, faced with the toughest economic times since the early 1990s, Americans are selling prized possessions online and at flea markets at alarming rates.
To meet higher gas, food and prescription drug bills, they are selling off grandmother's dishes and their own belongings. Some of the household purging has been extremely painful — families forced to part with heirlooms.
"This is not about downsizing. It's about needing gas money," said Nancy Baughman, founder of eBizAuctions, an online auction service she runs out of her garage in Raleigh, N.C. One former affluent customer is now unemployed and had to unload Hermes leather jackets and Versace jeans and silk shirts.
At Craigslist, which has become a kind of online flea market for the world, the number of for-sale listings has soared 70 percent since last July. In March, the number of listings more than doubled to almost 15 million from the year-ago period.
Craigslist CEO Jeff Buckmaster acknowledged the increasing popularity of selling all sort of items on the Web, but said the rate of growth is "moving above the usual trend line." He said he was amazed at the desperate tone in some ads.
In Daleville, Ala., Ellona Bateman-Lee has turned to eBay and flea markets to empty her three-bedroom mobile home of DVDs, VCRs, stereos and televisions.
She said she needs the cash to help pay for soaring food and utility bills and mounting health care expenses since her husband, Bob, suffered an electric shock on the job as a dump truck driver in 2006 and is now disabled.
Among her most painful sales: her grandmother's teakettle. She sold it for $6 on eBay.
"My grandmother raised me, so it hurt," she said. "We've had bouts here and there, but we always got by. This time it's different."
Economists say it is difficult to compare the selling trend with other tough times because the Internet, only in wide use since the mid-1990s, has made it much easier to unload goods than, say, at pawn shops.
But clearly, cash-strapped people are selling their belongings at bargain prices, with a flood of listings for secondhand cars, clothing and furniture hitting the market in recent months, particularly since January.
Earlier this decade, people tapped their inflated home equity and credit cards to fuel a buying binge. Now, slumping home values and a credit crisis have sapped sources of cash.
Meanwhile, soaring gas and food prices haven't kept pace with meager wage growth. Gas prices have already hit $4 per gallon in some places, and that could become more widespread this summer. The weakening job market is another big worry.
Christine Hadley, a 53-year-old registered nurse from Reading, Pa., says she used to be "a clotheshorse," splurging on pricey Dooney & Bourke handbags. But her live-in boyfriend left last year, and she has had trouble finding a job.
Piles of unpaid bills forced her to sell more than 80 items, including the handbags, which went for more than $1,000 on a site called Now, except for some artwork and threadbare furniture, her house is looking sparse.
"I need the money for essentials — to pay my bills and to eat," Hadley said.
At, which helps novices sell things online, for-sale listings rose 66 percent from February to March, much faster than the 25 percent to 30 percent average monthly pace since the company was formed in September, CEO Maureen Ellenberger said. She said she was surprised to see that most of her clients desperately needed to sell items to raise cash.
For, a classifieds and business directory site, for-sale listings for January through March rose 10 percent from the previous year.
"We can definitely detect economic stress on the part of the consumer," said John Raven, the site's chief operating officer.
On Craigslist, Buckmaster said, three of the four fastest-growing for-sale categories are tied to gas — recreational vehicles like campers and trailers, cars and trucks, and boats.
Raven noted more and more listings for furniture, particularly in areas around Miami and Las Vegas and other regions hardest hit by the housing crisis.
Baughman, who runs eBizAuctions, said that over the past four months she's been working with mostly desperate sellers instead of mainly casual ones. Most are middle-class customers who can't pay their bills and now want to be paid up front for the items instead of waiting until they are sold, she said.
The trend may be hurting secondhand stores too. Donations to the Salvation Army were down 20 percent in the January-to-March period. George Hood, the charity's national community relations and development secretary, said that was probably partly because people were selling their belongings instead.
And secondhand buyers want better deals now as well, driving prices down. Secondhand merchandise online is going for 25 to 35 percent below what it commanded a year ago, estimated Brian Riley, senior analyst at research firm The TowerGroup.
"It won't hit the saturation point until the (economy) hits the bottom and right now, we don't know when that is," he said.
In Alabama, Bateman-Lee said that she only received $30 for her TV and $45 for her DVD player at a local flea market. She doesn't have too much left to sell, but she's going back to "sort through more things."
Her $30 water bill is due this week.
I've been doing this for the past year.. I am doing it because the cash is nice to have, but also because I realized that I had waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much stuff that I didn't need/use and there are people with far less.
I also feel much better without all the clutter, and am still getting rid of more things!
America has become very materialistic and 'keeping up with the jonses' mentality is not helping us at all...
And the way that many of us live, we could only live this way so long. I work retail. For the year before they announced the word 'recession', I saw a lot of people paying with credit cards and buying a couple hundred of dollars of stuff, and I knew we couldn't do that forever. There are limits on those things!
And gas guzzling vehicles don't help at all.. some vehicles that you know people just got for the status and look of it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
it all seems to be slipping away from me.. and I am powerless to stop it.. :'(
I'm not a good girl-friend, and a bad friend... I lack the traits of a good sister and daughter. I don't need anyone to tell me this, I just know. I don't have specific examples, because everything I do is lacking.
That's all.
I miss Jeff horribly.
I'm not a good girl-friend, and a bad friend... I lack the traits of a good sister and daughter. I don't need anyone to tell me this, I just know. I don't have specific examples, because everything I do is lacking.
That's all.
I miss Jeff horribly.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My Sweet Kitty

I finally had to let my kitty go yesterday. She had gotten steadily worse over the last six months or so, and I knew it was time. But she was a wonderful cat, and I know a lot of people say, "It's just an animal." But what many people don't seem to realize about me is that these little balls of fur are family to me. We had her since she was five weeks old in 1994.
I'm still crying and very upset. I wasn't crying when I began writing this entry, but the tears are rolling down my face and blurring my vision so I can't see what I am typing. I miss her badly.
But now, she is with her momma.

I want to buy me something pretty.. it's a good thing that the stores are closed. When I get down, I shop. And I don't stop when my balance of my debit/credit card hit zero line.
I haven't felt like this for awhile... I think bedtime is soon around the corner. To hide, in oblivion, from everyone and everything.
I haven't felt like this for awhile... I think bedtime is soon around the corner. To hide, in oblivion, from everyone and everything.
Apparently, this blog...
isn't read by the person that means the most to me to read it. You, dear reader, know from my recent posting, that I cannot go out of town at the present moment due to my job. No one in my department can take a long weekend, because of the person that transferred out suddenly and without warning.
You know that. I know that.
The person that I tried to tell that, interrupted me and then changed the subject when I tried to tell him that. So, I haven't been able to tell that. Because, "It's my turn."
You know how I know that he isn't reading this on any regular basis? Tonight, (five minutes ago,)he said, " I love you baby, and I miss you so much, maybe you can come for memorial day."
Well, at the wonderful dungeon, we need four weeks notice to give to management. Even if we got a new person hired and working in the department next week, that's not likely to be able to be given.
I wish he would work with me here. But he didn't even ask me, when he interrupted me, why I was asking him to come twice in a row.
Okay, enough venting. I truly adore this man. I'm not mad at him or anything, I just had that bugging me. But now it's out, and back to your regularly scheduled programming.
You know that. I know that.
The person that I tried to tell that, interrupted me and then changed the subject when I tried to tell him that. So, I haven't been able to tell that. Because, "It's my turn."
You know how I know that he isn't reading this on any regular basis? Tonight, (five minutes ago,)he said, " I love you baby, and I miss you so much, maybe you can come for memorial day."
Well, at the wonderful dungeon, we need four weeks notice to give to management. Even if we got a new person hired and working in the department next week, that's not likely to be able to be given.
I wish he would work with me here. But he didn't even ask me, when he interrupted me, why I was asking him to come twice in a row.
Okay, enough venting. I truly adore this man. I'm not mad at him or anything, I just had that bugging me. But now it's out, and back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My Myspace Blog
If you want to see what other people think about my blogs, and insert your own thoughts for me to see..check out my myspace blog. It's the same thing here (mostly), but that one is MUCH easier to comment on. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Crap, crap and more crap
Things just keep going downhill... A trip to Nebraska to see my love would make things much better in perspective, and I had planned on going in a week but...
...that's before we lost someone in our department (Becky) who transferred out without telling us until the last moment. Actually, she didn't tell us. Assistant Manager Laura told us she was going to become a cashier fulltime. Ironically, the Assistant Manager over the front end didn't tell her until less than a week before they transferred her. But, lo and behold, guess who's working in Jewelry now? You got it... So they have had 2-3 people working at night in Jewelry this week, and the past two days I've been the only one in shoes, JoAnn being on vacation this week. Go figure.
Anyway, they haven't replaced her yet, so I can't take three or four days off in a row for now. We are two people short now. Supposed to have a frieght processor and then Becky's position. We've never had the former actually ont he payroll, and it was very difficult to get the latter position filled. So, now everyone in the shoe department has to put non-essential days off on hold.. The day that I have a doctor's appointment toward the end of the month I have to work as much of a shift as possible before the appointment, and possibly go back for a few hours after it.
I tried to ask Jeff to come here and I would pay for his gas, but he insisted, "It's your turn!" and didn't give me a chance to tell him why I was asking.
I've been sooooo exhausted lately, and not feeling well. Plus side, I've gained ten pounds in the last month. Woot! Finally! Something good...
The worst thing of all is my poor gray kitty's time has come.**insert endless tears and crying here**.She's been getting worse, fully blind now and loosing her balancing skill. She just lays next to the food and water for the most part, and I carry her to the litter box when I am able to see she needs to go in time. My mom is going to take her tomorrow. I can't even take time off of work now to take her myself. Due to the wretched point system at work and being incredibly shortstaffed now. I would love to say 'Screw it' and just walk out and never go back in. I have bills to pay though, so that would not be beneficial at all. Plus, I don't have the guts.
I wish there was a employer that would hire me as an administrative assistant and train me themselves, or at least hire me as I am getting the proper education I need, so I could tell my current one to "Take this job and shove it."
...that's before we lost someone in our department (Becky) who transferred out without telling us until the last moment. Actually, she didn't tell us. Assistant Manager Laura told us she was going to become a cashier fulltime. Ironically, the Assistant Manager over the front end didn't tell her until less than a week before they transferred her. But, lo and behold, guess who's working in Jewelry now? You got it... So they have had 2-3 people working at night in Jewelry this week, and the past two days I've been the only one in shoes, JoAnn being on vacation this week. Go figure.
Anyway, they haven't replaced her yet, so I can't take three or four days off in a row for now. We are two people short now. Supposed to have a frieght processor and then Becky's position. We've never had the former actually ont he payroll, and it was very difficult to get the latter position filled. So, now everyone in the shoe department has to put non-essential days off on hold.. The day that I have a doctor's appointment toward the end of the month I have to work as much of a shift as possible before the appointment, and possibly go back for a few hours after it.
I tried to ask Jeff to come here and I would pay for his gas, but he insisted, "It's your turn!" and didn't give me a chance to tell him why I was asking.
I've been sooooo exhausted lately, and not feeling well. Plus side, I've gained ten pounds in the last month. Woot! Finally! Something good...
The worst thing of all is my poor gray kitty's time has come.**insert endless tears and crying here**.She's been getting worse, fully blind now and loosing her balancing skill. She just lays next to the food and water for the most part, and I carry her to the litter box when I am able to see she needs to go in time. My mom is going to take her tomorrow. I can't even take time off of work now to take her myself. Due to the wretched point system at work and being incredibly shortstaffed now. I would love to say 'Screw it' and just walk out and never go back in. I have bills to pay though, so that would not be beneficial at all. Plus, I don't have the guts.
I wish there was a employer that would hire me as an administrative assistant and train me themselves, or at least hire me as I am getting the proper education I need, so I could tell my current one to "Take this job and shove it."
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A song that echoes through my mind often..
Yes, yes....It's Hanson. OLD Hanson, Middle of Nowhere Debut album era. None-the-less, I am still a huge fan. This song echoes my mind a lot and showcases how I feel a lot of the time. I listen to it frequently, along with other songs, albums and artists that I'll post in the future.
Take four minutes and watch the video. It's amazingly deep and good for then-teens. Their work has only gotten better over the years, as well.
Isn't it weird. Isn't it strange.
Even though we're just two strangers on this runaway train
We're both trying to find a place in the sun
We've lived in the shadows, but doesn't everyone
Isn't it strange how we all feel a little bit weird sometimes
Isn't it hard. Standing in the rain.
You're on the verge of going crazy and your heart's in pain
No one can hear though you're screaming so loud
You feel all alone in a faceless crowd
Isn't it strange how we all get a little bit weird sometimes.
Sitting on the side waiting for a sign, hoping that my luck will change.
Reaching for a hand that can understand, someone who feels the same.
When you live in a cookie cutter world being different is a sin.
So you don't stand out. And you don't fit in. Weird.
Sitting on the side waiting for a sign, hoping that my luck will change.
Reaching for a hand that can understand, someone who feels the same.
When you live in a cookie cutter world if you're different you can't win.
So you don't stand out and you don't fit in. Weird.
Isn't it strange how we all feel a little bit weird
Strange, how we all get a little bit...
Strange, 'cause we're all just a little bit weird sometimes.
A year it's been...
....since things began going crazy in my life at a most alarming rate.
Why me? Why can't things go smoothly for me? Ever? Well, I suppose there are the good days, such as when I got rid of that insane guy I was with. And when I started dating Jeff. That was one of the best moments in my life :) I love him so much.
Anyway, I mean, I don't have to have a complete fairy tale life...but I want something to go right.
Instead, I find my self on the brink of what feels like full madness... going crazy. Tears and utter sadness threaten to overcome me some moments, more often what I think it should. This isn't a new thing, went on through most of high school, but lately it keeps catching me off guard, and I have to hide somewhere lest someone sees. Unless everyone is like this? I won't know, because if I were to ask, people would either lie (to me and perhaps themselves) or think I was ready for the loony bin. You never really know what's going on with people, I think. I try to be open, but it seems that I am blown off more often than not. But that's okay, I have my blog with which to write and express myself.
Speaking of never really knowing what's going on with people, I have heard the most horrible news at work. Late last week, apparently, the night CSM took his life. I knew him, not closely at all, but talked to him when I saw him. Never would have guessed. He was about two years younger than I. How very sad, and horrible.
I have more to blog, but I really just want to curl up in bed and sleep as long as possible (until six thirty when my alarm goes off I guess).
Will blog more later.
Night all.
By the way, don't get me wrong. I do have my happy moments as well, but it seems fewer and farther between lately. Like, I have decided to go back to college. Hopefully I can make it for the summer semester! And, when I get to talk to Jeff. That makes my day. And, I have my family, and my little bundles of fur which make me smile.
Why me? Why can't things go smoothly for me? Ever? Well, I suppose there are the good days, such as when I got rid of that insane guy I was with. And when I started dating Jeff. That was one of the best moments in my life :) I love him so much.
Anyway, I mean, I don't have to have a complete fairy tale life...but I want something to go right.
Instead, I find my self on the brink of what feels like full madness... going crazy. Tears and utter sadness threaten to overcome me some moments, more often what I think it should. This isn't a new thing, went on through most of high school, but lately it keeps catching me off guard, and I have to hide somewhere lest someone sees. Unless everyone is like this? I won't know, because if I were to ask, people would either lie (to me and perhaps themselves) or think I was ready for the loony bin. You never really know what's going on with people, I think. I try to be open, but it seems that I am blown off more often than not. But that's okay, I have my blog with which to write and express myself.
Speaking of never really knowing what's going on with people, I have heard the most horrible news at work. Late last week, apparently, the night CSM took his life. I knew him, not closely at all, but talked to him when I saw him. Never would have guessed. He was about two years younger than I. How very sad, and horrible.
I have more to blog, but I really just want to curl up in bed and sleep as long as possible (until six thirty when my alarm goes off I guess).
Will blog more later.
Night all.
By the way, don't get me wrong. I do have my happy moments as well, but it seems fewer and farther between lately. Like, I have decided to go back to college. Hopefully I can make it for the summer semester! And, when I get to talk to Jeff. That makes my day. And, I have my family, and my little bundles of fur which make me smile.
Another random survey
You can only pick one out of the 3....
Alcohol, Soda, Water?
Flowers, Candy, or Cards?
Beer, Wine, or Mixed drinks?
hmmm...I don't typically drink...but a daiquiri or Marquita :P
football, soccer or baseball?
Kiss, Cuddling, or Hug?
Buy, Borrow, or Lease:
Ford, Chevy, or Dodge?
Fords suck...chevy :)
Email, Telephone, or Letter?
California, New York, or Florida?
Morning, Afternoon, or Night?
Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Halloween:
Dogs, Cats, or Hamsters:
hmmm I would say cats, but I have a puppy I it's a tie between the two.
Beach, Mountains, or Desert:
Cookies, Cake, or Brownies:
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner:
Giver, Sharer, or Keeper:
Eyes, Nose, or Lips:
Friends that lie or Enemies that pretend to be your friend?
um...neither? I'll take the enemies if I have to.
Mariah, Madonna, or Britney?
Name Please?
Okay, but what do your best friends call you?
Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
Who is the fourth received call on your call log?
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my blue eyes
What is the wallpaper on your phone?
my cats
How many pillows on your bed?
3 I use every night, and two with pillow shams
Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?
What's the last thing you bought?
a sandwhich for lunch
Do any of your friends annoy you?
When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard?
um... don't remember
What are you listening to now?
Yahoo messenger radio
Do you have a crush on somebody?
my boyfriend :P
Who do you make fun of the most?
I don't
Whats the longest you stayed on the phone?
2 or 3 hours
Do you think you've gotten better looking since middle school?
Has your best friend ever seen you cry?
Where did you last go out to eat?
Do you dance in the car?
No, but I sing at the top of my lungs
What do you think of hunting and fishing?
Do you and your best friend act alike?
My best friend is my boyfriend..
What is a noise that you cannot stand?
screaming children
Have you lied within the past 24 hours?
Where did you get your last bruise from?
Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them over?
have them over
Have you ever thought you were going to die?
yes...asthma attacks suck
How do you like your steak?
Who was your last hug from?
Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong?
Who was the last person you held hands with?
Last person you kissed?
Do you own any Hollister or American Eagle shirts?
Are you kidding me? No
Ever shop at a thrift store?
Why do you do surveys?
Bored, something to do
Do you love anyone?
Have you ever kissed anyone?
um...yeah duh
How long was your last relationship?
two years
How old were you when you got your first kiss?
Do you like anyone now?
jeff duh :P
Have you ever broken up with anyone?
Do you have depressing days?
a lot
Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
Where is the person you need most right now?
In Nebraska, far far away
What's your middle name?
Where will you be 12 hours from now?
Is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated?
uh yep
Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?
work dress code...tan pants, navy shirt
Wheres your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife at?
Play an instrument?
i used to play flute
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
No, but I'd be tempted
Have you ever had your nails done?
yep, never again
Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now?
I'm in my pj's
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an R?
Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?
I hope so
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?
Everything happens for a reason?
I would think so.
Have you ever dated someone more than once?
What is your biggest turn off?
creeps... the ones who are them and the ones that give me them(creepy feelings)...
Alcohol, Soda, Water?
Flowers, Candy, or Cards?
Beer, Wine, or Mixed drinks?
hmmm...I don't typically drink...but a daiquiri or Marquita :P
football, soccer or baseball?
Kiss, Cuddling, or Hug?
Buy, Borrow, or Lease:
Ford, Chevy, or Dodge?
Fords suck...chevy :)
Email, Telephone, or Letter?
California, New York, or Florida?
Morning, Afternoon, or Night?
Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Halloween:
Dogs, Cats, or Hamsters:
hmmm I would say cats, but I have a puppy I it's a tie between the two.
Beach, Mountains, or Desert:
Cookies, Cake, or Brownies:
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner:
Giver, Sharer, or Keeper:
Eyes, Nose, or Lips:
Friends that lie or Enemies that pretend to be your friend?
um...neither? I'll take the enemies if I have to.
Mariah, Madonna, or Britney?
Name Please?
Okay, but what do your best friends call you?
Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
Who is the fourth received call on your call log?
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my blue eyes
What is the wallpaper on your phone?
my cats
How many pillows on your bed?
3 I use every night, and two with pillow shams
Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?
What's the last thing you bought?
a sandwhich for lunch
Do any of your friends annoy you?
When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard?
um... don't remember
What are you listening to now?
Yahoo messenger radio
Do you have a crush on somebody?
my boyfriend :P
Who do you make fun of the most?
I don't
Whats the longest you stayed on the phone?
2 or 3 hours
Do you think you've gotten better looking since middle school?
Has your best friend ever seen you cry?
Where did you last go out to eat?
Do you dance in the car?
No, but I sing at the top of my lungs
What do you think of hunting and fishing?
Do you and your best friend act alike?
My best friend is my boyfriend..
What is a noise that you cannot stand?
screaming children
Have you lied within the past 24 hours?
Where did you get your last bruise from?
Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them over?
have them over
Have you ever thought you were going to die?
yes...asthma attacks suck
How do you like your steak?
Who was your last hug from?
Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong?
Who was the last person you held hands with?
Last person you kissed?
Do you own any Hollister or American Eagle shirts?
Are you kidding me? No
Ever shop at a thrift store?
Why do you do surveys?
Bored, something to do
Do you love anyone?
Have you ever kissed anyone?
um...yeah duh
How long was your last relationship?
two years
How old were you when you got your first kiss?
Do you like anyone now?
jeff duh :P
Have you ever broken up with anyone?
Do you have depressing days?
a lot
Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
Where is the person you need most right now?
In Nebraska, far far away
What's your middle name?
Where will you be 12 hours from now?
Is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated?
uh yep
Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?
work dress code...tan pants, navy shirt
Wheres your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife at?
Play an instrument?
i used to play flute
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
No, but I'd be tempted
Have you ever had your nails done?
yep, never again
Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now?
I'm in my pj's
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an R?
Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?
I hope so
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?
Everything happens for a reason?
I would think so.
Have you ever dated someone more than once?
What is your biggest turn off?
creeps... the ones who are them and the ones that give me them(creepy feelings)...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Finally over..
My day is...
work is done until tomorrow morning.
I will go take a shower now..... perhaps go to bed early.
work is done until tomorrow morning.
I will go take a shower now..... perhaps go to bed early.
Been too long since I've blogged anything-April 12
But I have this weekend off, so I hope to catch up and also get things done.
I am going to eat my usual (but yummy) rice lunch, and then I shall dive into my througouh cleaning and purging project. I am seriously starting at one point, and will work my way around the entire lower level. I will ask myself about everything (furniture included):
Do I like this?
(No? Buhbye!)
Do I really need it?
(Six or more glasses? That's just more to keep clean! I'm only one person, and even including my brother, we don't use that many. I run the dishwasher every day, so five or six is definately too many! And who came up with the idea that one must have three or four different styles of glassware?)
Does it look rather ragged and at the end of it's usefullness?
(Yes? Well, buh-bye as well! I won't replace it if it's still here! I deserve to buy myself new furniture I think. However, I am such a penny pincher that if my stuff is up off the floor, then it's good. But I also want new/nice things, so I will force myself to buy!)
I'm sure there's more I'll be asking...but I'd rather get too it than to lose my ambition!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Is it tacky to put out fake furniture on the curb with a 'free' sign in a nice neighborhood? I am new to this neighborhood, and new to the rites and ways of the (slightly higher) income levels and real houses. We live on a court, not a thourough street...
I am going to eat my usual (but yummy) rice lunch, and then I shall dive into my througouh cleaning and purging project. I am seriously starting at one point, and will work my way around the entire lower level. I will ask myself about everything (furniture included):
Do I like this?
(No? Buhbye!)
Do I really need it?
(Six or more glasses? That's just more to keep clean! I'm only one person, and even including my brother, we don't use that many. I run the dishwasher every day, so five or six is definately too many! And who came up with the idea that one must have three or four different styles of glassware?)
Does it look rather ragged and at the end of it's usefullness?
(Yes? Well, buh-bye as well! I won't replace it if it's still here! I deserve to buy myself new furniture I think. However, I am such a penny pincher that if my stuff is up off the floor, then it's good. But I also want new/nice things, so I will force myself to buy!)
I'm sure there's more I'll be asking...but I'd rather get too it than to lose my ambition!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Is it tacky to put out fake furniture on the curb with a 'free' sign in a nice neighborhood? I am new to this neighborhood, and new to the rites and ways of the (slightly higher) income levels and real houses. We live on a court, not a thourough street...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Random ramblings from my work day...
Seriously, my brain didn't want to function today. It didn't even want to form complete thoughts, let alone complete sentences while I thought them!
Usually, my brain is racing so fast that I can't 'see' each and every thought or idea that goes whizzing through. (Does that make sense to you?) I only catch the briefest glimmer and then it's gone. Today, though, they were just drifting lazily through my mind, I got to look at them and inspect them before they drifted out. Unfortunately, my brain didn't feel like inspecting much, but I had the chance to record them for once. Seriously, I did! I have the receipt tape to prove it. I ran some paper out of the printer, and wrote down the things that I thought. That's how exciting self-checkouts are!
I guess it's a lose-lose for me. Either my brain is on hyper drive, thinking non-stop, and I'm unable to know every thought that I've thunk... or it's slowed down and I don't have the energy to inspect them. I know I am rambling, but that's okay by me even if it's not okay by you, dear reader!
Today, however, my brain didn't want to be awake and function. So, while I was on the self-checkouts doing as little of work as possible, I recorded some of the bizarre thoughts I had. (I know, I said this already. But I don't feel like combing the paragraphs..lazy writing tonight, sorry.) I warn you, won't make much sense.. and they aren't related...I will try to make them legible and understandable just for you.
I had a customer complain to me that the grapes she bought rung up less than what they were priced at the display. What? Why would you complain that something is less than you thought??
....working class poor.... That's what we are..... (Can't make it better to read, sorry)
...Only as good/worthy as my abilities. Take my back. It's out of commission until further notice. Now that I can't cashier at 800 IPH regularly, they don't pay much attention to me, except to throw me on self-checkouts. I'm far more disposable now.....
...Six month old (could barely sit up by herself) being fed CHEETOS by her mother... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? If you can afford that junk, you can buy the child some nutritional snacks/meals!!!! Cheerios anyone? Or even a bottle!!!.........
......Reminds me of the poor babies I see in McDonalds eating broken up cheeseburgers and fries... again, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?....You should NEVER feed a child fast food, especially a BABY! God, just rubs me the wrong way all around. You are not doing the child any favors. If you feel the need to eat fast food yourself, bring the baby some baby food! It even comes in handy baby food jars!....WHAT IN HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???....
....don't want clarity... I don't want to think...I just want to drift in detached dullness... the colors faded to shades of gray.....
.......Grrr...summertime again...someone should tell those pretty girls that less clothes is NOT more..unless you mean more self-berating on my part because of their perfect tans/bodies/hair....need not display all...feel very inadequate and ugly in the hot months....
Before you hit 'post comment', I don't want reassurance on my looks... I'm posting this sentence for my myspace readers, who like to comment. :) It was one of my thoughts, and a common one in the hot months, so I shared it just like the other thoughts.
Night all!
Usually, my brain is racing so fast that I can't 'see' each and every thought or idea that goes whizzing through. (Does that make sense to you?) I only catch the briefest glimmer and then it's gone. Today, though, they were just drifting lazily through my mind, I got to look at them and inspect them before they drifted out. Unfortunately, my brain didn't feel like inspecting much, but I had the chance to record them for once. Seriously, I did! I have the receipt tape to prove it. I ran some paper out of the printer, and wrote down the things that I thought. That's how exciting self-checkouts are!
I guess it's a lose-lose for me. Either my brain is on hyper drive, thinking non-stop, and I'm unable to know every thought that I've thunk... or it's slowed down and I don't have the energy to inspect them. I know I am rambling, but that's okay by me even if it's not okay by you, dear reader!
Today, however, my brain didn't want to be awake and function. So, while I was on the self-checkouts doing as little of work as possible, I recorded some of the bizarre thoughts I had. (I know, I said this already. But I don't feel like combing the paragraphs..lazy writing tonight, sorry.) I warn you, won't make much sense.. and they aren't related...I will try to make them legible and understandable just for you.
I had a customer complain to me that the grapes she bought rung up less than what they were priced at the display. What? Why would you complain that something is less than you thought??
....working class poor.... That's what we are..... (Can't make it better to read, sorry)
...Only as good/worthy as my abilities. Take my back. It's out of commission until further notice. Now that I can't cashier at 800 IPH regularly, they don't pay much attention to me, except to throw me on self-checkouts. I'm far more disposable now.....
...Six month old (could barely sit up by herself) being fed CHEETOS by her mother... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? If you can afford that junk, you can buy the child some nutritional snacks/meals!!!! Cheerios anyone? Or even a bottle!!!.........
......Reminds me of the poor babies I see in McDonalds eating broken up cheeseburgers and fries... again, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?....You should NEVER feed a child fast food, especially a BABY! God, just rubs me the wrong way all around. You are not doing the child any favors. If you feel the need to eat fast food yourself, bring the baby some baby food! It even comes in handy baby food jars!....WHAT IN HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???....
....don't want clarity... I don't want to think...I just want to drift in detached dullness... the colors faded to shades of gray.....
.......Grrr...summertime again...someone should tell those pretty girls that less clothes is NOT more..unless you mean more self-berating on my part because of their perfect tans/bodies/hair....need not display all...feel very inadequate and ugly in the hot months....
Before you hit 'post comment', I don't want reassurance on my looks... I'm posting this sentence for my myspace readers, who like to comment. :) It was one of my thoughts, and a common one in the hot months, so I shared it just like the other thoughts.
Night all!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Visiting this rainy evening...
Hello dear reader on this dark, rainy, windy night...Come for a bit of a chat did you?
Well, pull up a nice comfy chair! Want some tea? Or perhaps cocoa? Sorry, I don't have any coffee in the house, I can't stand the smell of it! It honestly makes me sick to my stomach. I was looking forward to chatting with someone tonight. Just for a little bit though, I can't wait to hop in the hot shower and put on some comfy pj's........
I saw a member of a dying breed yesterday. I should've taken a picture, for this species is far and few between in this busy busy world that we are living in.
I went to Menard's with my mother to help her bring home a water fountain for the yard. We took my car, because her car is smaller than mine. Unfortunately, the box wouldn't fit into my car either. We were trying and trying to jam the box into the trunk, and were contemplating taking all the parts out of the box to get it home that way. We had even opened the box when I spotted it. A glimpse of a member of the dying breed of kind, helpful people. It seems like far too long between the sightings!
An older gentleman, with an SUV was pulling out of his parking spot saw us struggling with this and it was clear the box was not going to go in my car. So, he pulls up alongside us and asked us where we were going with it. We tell him where in town, which is just a few blocks from the mall, and he goes, "I'm heading past there, I can help you get it to your house."
I was shocked. Speechless, and honestly a bit worried. What kind of man is this? Who offers like that anymore to complete strangers?
I guess this world we are living in might have made me a bit too leery and distrustful, don't you think? I mean it's good to question things, but if it was just me there or a friend instead of my mother, I would've told him, "Thanks but I'll get it." And paid the delivery fee.
What's that? Oh, I got that particular drink mix from the cute little shop down the street. They have the greatest selection of drinks and munchies in town. Plus, they are pretty cheap! Not like the groceries that I bought tonight. I swear, every two weeks they raise prices on every item in the grocery store 25-50 cents! Pretty soon we will have to take out bank loans to get groceries! What a bad day that will be!
Oh, I've got a side thought for you. Might make you chuckle, or perhaps you may be a bit offended, but I hope not. If you are, perhaps you should get out a bit more on the weekends!
You see, I've been watching just a bit of TV lately. More than I usually do, which is once a week, but less than the normal person. I have been logging maybe two hours for every two days. Not bad. Anyway, I've been seeing commercials for the Star Wars Marathon that will be airing on the Spike TV network this weekend. Each and every time, I laugh to myself. For some reason, I can just see (not a pretty picture, I don't even want to linger on it) complete and utter nerds with pocket protectors and Urkel glasses whipping it out and squeezing one off in the thirty seconds that the commercial airs. I don't know why, but I think it has to do with the utter and COMPLETE controlling sci-fi nerd that I dated a couple of years ago. He had every star wars movie, every collectible he could get his hands on in his lifetime was stored at his parents.
I was his first girlfriend he had had. That should've tipped me off right then. I don't know why I stayed with him for two years, and almost married him. What a freakin' HUGE mistake that would've been.
Oh, now? Now, I am dating this wonderful man. We've been together two and a half years, and he makes me so very happy in every way. Going through a rough time right now, but we'll make it. And you, dear reader? What's going on in that department of your life?
Oh, look at the time, it's time for my shower and then off to bed after reading for a bit. I'm a bit of a homebody you know! What did you say? Oh, the drink? You're welcome! I love to chat over warm cups of drinks and catch up.
Here's your umbrella, better not forget that! The rain is letting up a bit, but you never know about five minutes from now! Please come again, I look forward to our next visit already!
Well, pull up a nice comfy chair! Want some tea? Or perhaps cocoa? Sorry, I don't have any coffee in the house, I can't stand the smell of it! It honestly makes me sick to my stomach. I was looking forward to chatting with someone tonight. Just for a little bit though, I can't wait to hop in the hot shower and put on some comfy pj's........
I saw a member of a dying breed yesterday. I should've taken a picture, for this species is far and few between in this busy busy world that we are living in.
I went to Menard's with my mother to help her bring home a water fountain for the yard. We took my car, because her car is smaller than mine. Unfortunately, the box wouldn't fit into my car either. We were trying and trying to jam the box into the trunk, and were contemplating taking all the parts out of the box to get it home that way. We had even opened the box when I spotted it. A glimpse of a member of the dying breed of kind, helpful people. It seems like far too long between the sightings!
An older gentleman, with an SUV was pulling out of his parking spot saw us struggling with this and it was clear the box was not going to go in my car. So, he pulls up alongside us and asked us where we were going with it. We tell him where in town, which is just a few blocks from the mall, and he goes, "I'm heading past there, I can help you get it to your house."
I was shocked. Speechless, and honestly a bit worried. What kind of man is this? Who offers like that anymore to complete strangers?
I guess this world we are living in might have made me a bit too leery and distrustful, don't you think? I mean it's good to question things, but if it was just me there or a friend instead of my mother, I would've told him, "Thanks but I'll get it." And paid the delivery fee.
What's that? Oh, I got that particular drink mix from the cute little shop down the street. They have the greatest selection of drinks and munchies in town. Plus, they are pretty cheap! Not like the groceries that I bought tonight. I swear, every two weeks they raise prices on every item in the grocery store 25-50 cents! Pretty soon we will have to take out bank loans to get groceries! What a bad day that will be!
Oh, I've got a side thought for you. Might make you chuckle, or perhaps you may be a bit offended, but I hope not. If you are, perhaps you should get out a bit more on the weekends!
You see, I've been watching just a bit of TV lately. More than I usually do, which is once a week, but less than the normal person. I have been logging maybe two hours for every two days. Not bad. Anyway, I've been seeing commercials for the Star Wars Marathon that will be airing on the Spike TV network this weekend. Each and every time, I laugh to myself. For some reason, I can just see (not a pretty picture, I don't even want to linger on it) complete and utter nerds with pocket protectors and Urkel glasses whipping it out and squeezing one off in the thirty seconds that the commercial airs. I don't know why, but I think it has to do with the utter and COMPLETE controlling sci-fi nerd that I dated a couple of years ago. He had every star wars movie, every collectible he could get his hands on in his lifetime was stored at his parents.
I was his first girlfriend he had had. That should've tipped me off right then. I don't know why I stayed with him for two years, and almost married him. What a freakin' HUGE mistake that would've been.
Oh, now? Now, I am dating this wonderful man. We've been together two and a half years, and he makes me so very happy in every way. Going through a rough time right now, but we'll make it. And you, dear reader? What's going on in that department of your life?
Oh, look at the time, it's time for my shower and then off to bed after reading for a bit. I'm a bit of a homebody you know! What did you say? Oh, the drink? You're welcome! I love to chat over warm cups of drinks and catch up.
Here's your umbrella, better not forget that! The rain is letting up a bit, but you never know about five minutes from now! Please come again, I look forward to our next visit already!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The ringtones currently on my phone...

For some reason, it isn't loading on my computer unless I click 'pop out player', so if it doesn't work for you try that!
These are the songs that I have currently on my phone for assigned ring tones... Jeff's is "Livin' Our Love Song", K&M's is "Find Out Who Your Friends Are", Josh's is "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (Angry American), and family's is "Time Marches On". My work's is "Take this Job and Shove It", but I couldn't find that on this site!
I haven't been sleeping well lately..
Far too much dreaming going on lately!! I don't mind a dream or so a night.. but I've been remembering three, four, five dreams a night! It's like my mind won't shut up and let me rest! I wake up more tired than I was before I went to bed!

I've been having the weirdest dreams as well lately.. zombies, and ghosts..In one that I remember, I was living in this bigger house, with two stair cases going up to the same floor three rooms. Unfortunately, every time we tried using that hallway we would be attacked by ghosts! Except there was enough to these ghosts that they could kill us. So we bricked up the sliding glass doors that led to that hallway and had to be content with the HUGE living room/kitchen/marble bathroom and bedrooms. But then, the ghosts started flying in the front door on carriages. Soooooooooooo very odd!
I think the worst one was definately the one I had a few nights ago in which Jeff brought along another girl on his visit to come see me and explained it was his Lincoln girlfriend and in the dream they preceded to go out dancing and stuff without me, they stayed at K&M's without me and then he didn't know why I was mad! Then, later in the dream, he suggested we all have some 'fun' together! She was taller with shoulder length straight black hair. Thin, a model's body, and had piercings in unusual places...
The weirdest dream ever! Cause I know he would never have a second girlfriend, and never would I take part in a threesome! I like him all to myself!

I've been having the weirdest dreams as well lately.. zombies, and ghosts..In one that I remember, I was living in this bigger house, with two stair cases going up to the same floor three rooms. Unfortunately, every time we tried using that hallway we would be attacked by ghosts! Except there was enough to these ghosts that they could kill us. So we bricked up the sliding glass doors that led to that hallway and had to be content with the HUGE living room/kitchen/marble bathroom and bedrooms. But then, the ghosts started flying in the front door on carriages. Soooooooooooo very odd!
I think the worst one was definately the one I had a few nights ago in which Jeff brought along another girl on his visit to come see me and explained it was his Lincoln girlfriend and in the dream they preceded to go out dancing and stuff without me, they stayed at K&M's without me and then he didn't know why I was mad! Then, later in the dream, he suggested we all have some 'fun' together! She was taller with shoulder length straight black hair. Thin, a model's body, and had piercings in unusual places...
The weirdest dream ever! Cause I know he would never have a second girlfriend, and never would I take part in a threesome! I like him all to myself!
Thoughts in my head from an hour or so ago....
I am tired... should lay down and go to sleep, but I don't want to. Should take a shower, but I don't want to..should catch up my blog.. but... (I bet you can see the trend here!)-----although, I am getting the motivation to do this, as you can see, dear reader!
Then, it was suggested to me that I just go to bed.. my response?
I don't want to lol....
I don't know what I want to do...nothing and everything at the same time..
What is wrong with me??? Dear reader, it feels like I am going nuts! Crazy, odd, unmotivated to do anything..
Then, it was suggested to me that I just go to bed.. my response?
I don't want to lol....
I don't know what I want to do...nothing and everything at the same time..
What is wrong with me??? Dear reader, it feels like I am going nuts! Crazy, odd, unmotivated to do anything..
An Unusual Monday...
Last Monday started out like any other Monday. I was missing Jeff, working at the dungeon, when I get a call through to my voice mail. I couldn't answer it right away, but I went and listened to the voice mail quick, and to my surprise it was Josh!
I knew he was in town on leave for a few weeks, but didn't think I was going to get the chance to see him. I had been thinking that I didn't feel like driving all the way to Cedar Rapids when he left the voice mail saying he would be in town Monday night. So, of course, I wanted to have our mini-reunion before he headed off to his next tour of Iraq. Turns out, he didn't think I was going to show up! But I did, and man he hasn't changed much since when we were younger. Still the same good humor, and his laugh is definitely the same.
His mom didn't know how we had gotten back in contact, which was the result of my searching for him, Jeremy and Jonathon (his brothers) over the period of a couple of years. Josh and I hadn't see each other for about eight years.
Now, he is on the way to Iraq for another eight or nine months...
I knew he was in town on leave for a few weeks, but didn't think I was going to get the chance to see him. I had been thinking that I didn't feel like driving all the way to Cedar Rapids when he left the voice mail saying he would be in town Monday night. So, of course, I wanted to have our mini-reunion before he headed off to his next tour of Iraq. Turns out, he didn't think I was going to show up! But I did, and man he hasn't changed much since when we were younger. Still the same good humor, and his laugh is definitely the same.
His mom didn't know how we had gotten back in contact, which was the result of my searching for him, Jeremy and Jonathon (his brothers) over the period of a couple of years. Josh and I hadn't see each other for about eight years.
Now, he is on the way to Iraq for another eight or nine months...
Okay, I am way behind in my blogging...
so I will attempt to catch it up slowly but surely!
The recap of the last two days of Jeff's visit:
I did stay Friday night and Saturday Night at K&M's, just to be able to be in Jeff's arms as I drifted off to sleep and to wake up in his arms each morning. I still don't understand really why he was so adamant about staying there and not here, but that is old news now, and there's nothing to be done to change that.
Saturday we tried to go disc golfing, but for some reason the road to the course was closed off. So, we hiked the trail to the Raptor Center and saw the birds that are kept there, for various reasons such as human imprinting and broken wings. **And as I was just reminded, Jeff carried me up the steep mountains piggy back. It's something that is becoming more and more common for us. My back hurts a lot sometimes, sometimes so badly that I can hardly walk. So, when it is like that when we are out and about and will be doing a lot of walking, he carries me. I forgot to put that in the first copy of this entry, most likely because I waited so long to blog about it and it was late. He is my knight in shining armor, and I don't outwardly appreciate enough of what he does for me. I am trying to work on that, because I hate it when I forget to do that! It makes me look (and feel) very bad as a girlfriend!**

(taken from the website, I wish the grass and trees were that green right now!)
Then, I came back home for a few hours to take a shower and then Kirk and Jeff played chess. Before bed that night, we watched One Hour Photo with Robin Williams. One of the movies that I really like, and Jeff hadn't seen it before.
Sunday morning, we woke up in each other's arms and did his laundry. Then it was time for him to go back home. I missed him terribly before he even arrived back home. It was wonderful to be able to kiss him and cuddle in his arms once more. I can't wait until we can do that every day again!
The recap of the last two days of Jeff's visit:
I did stay Friday night and Saturday Night at K&M's, just to be able to be in Jeff's arms as I drifted off to sleep and to wake up in his arms each morning. I still don't understand really why he was so adamant about staying there and not here, but that is old news now, and there's nothing to be done to change that.
Saturday we tried to go disc golfing, but for some reason the road to the course was closed off. So, we hiked the trail to the Raptor Center and saw the birds that are kept there, for various reasons such as human imprinting and broken wings. **And as I was just reminded, Jeff carried me up the steep mountains piggy back. It's something that is becoming more and more common for us. My back hurts a lot sometimes, sometimes so badly that I can hardly walk. So, when it is like that when we are out and about and will be doing a lot of walking, he carries me. I forgot to put that in the first copy of this entry, most likely because I waited so long to blog about it and it was late. He is my knight in shining armor, and I don't outwardly appreciate enough of what he does for me. I am trying to work on that, because I hate it when I forget to do that! It makes me look (and feel) very bad as a girlfriend!**

(taken from the website, I wish the grass and trees were that green right now!)
Then, I came back home for a few hours to take a shower and then Kirk and Jeff played chess. Before bed that night, we watched One Hour Photo with Robin Williams. One of the movies that I really like, and Jeff hadn't seen it before.
Sunday morning, we woke up in each other's arms and did his laundry. Then it was time for him to go back home. I missed him terribly before he even arrived back home. It was wonderful to be able to kiss him and cuddle in his arms once more. I can't wait until we can do that every day again!
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