Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It was pointed out to me the other day...

..that apparently I am showing signs of depression. Yet, no one else has even eluded to this idea.

The person who pointed out this fact said it bluntly.

But they must be full of it, or else others would notice. But maybe no body really pays attention. I mean, I am but a speck of sand in the grand scheme of the universe. I can't expect to be put up on a pedestal or expect others to pay attention to everything that I do. Or expect to be held to any greater degree of importance than the next Jane Doe that someone knows.

Have you, dear reader, ever had moments when people have said something like that to you? Or known a blunt person?

Side note...However, Depression does run rampant on my father's side.. but I don't know if there's any revelance there..and they are diagnosed as such. I think, on my mother's side there is also a bunch of it, but undiagnosed. My mother's side doesn't believe in going to the doctor for ANYTHING. (Not helping my case, am I?)

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Coralville, Iowa, United States