However, the search isn't going as planned. As I mentioned in the blog entry here, the Coralville Library doesn't seem to match what I need. So, I contacted the Iowa City Library. (Can't blame a poor girl for trying!)

They don't have any openings right now, and even if they did, they start everyone out as part time (under 20 hours). I need full-time, and really really REALLY don't want to do two part time jobs, especially at least one of them being downtown. These employees are hourly (which is okay) but have no benefits. (NOT okay, I need my dental through work anyway.)
Next on my list is the North Liberty Library. (Boy, do I have a few interesting stories from that place! (Perhaps not so much to you, dear reader, but they are rather memorable instances. Even though I'd rather forget the era in which they happened.)
That's how the job hunt is going thus far. Dear reader, send your thoughts and good luck my way because it seems that I will desperately need them!!
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