This has to be my favorite perfume of all time!! Yes, yes... It is Britney Spears' perfume, but I am not ashamed to admit I am a huge fan of hers. Ever since 'Oops I did it again.'
If you don't like it, tough! I'll beat your bum until you do!! *Laughs* Aww... who am I kidding? I would lose to a 6th grade wimp! I could never beat anyone up, even if I wanted to.....

Sure, Britney has had a rather bad couple of years...from almost dropping her baby when she tripped over the curb, to shaving her head bald, to attacking a paparazzi's car with an umbrella... but now it has come to light that perhaps her manager hasn't been looking out for her best interest. Apparently, he's been looking out for her big mounds (of cash) and watching them fall into his pockets... drugging her with prescription drugs (not hers), cutting her phone lines and stealing her cell chargers, verbally abusing her, amongst other pending charges. I hope the poor girl can rebound from this, and regain herself. Her latest album rocked!

Now, I am sure it's time to move on to new How crappy has Iowa weather been this winter? For crying out loud, how much snow do we really need? And now, it's like sub-zero temperatures outside! I am freezing just thinking about it! As I was leaving work this evening, I was told that we are 'supposed to get four more glorious inches of snow tomorrow night'. Exact words.. Grrrrrrrrrr... The words 'glorious' and 'snow' do not belong in the same sentence!! I can assure you of that!
(Above is Lake Mcbride, where I try to spend as much time on the beach as possible in the summer.
Below is a typical, dreary Iowan winter, where I try to spend as much time inside as humanly possible!!)
Below is a typical, dreary Iowan winter, where I try to spend as much time inside as humanly possible!!)
Oh! I was just about to publish this bit of rambling (and lots of pretty pictures! Excluding the last one of course), when I remembered my new addiction. Soduku! Something about the graph of numbers, and the frustrating process of figuring out exactly where they go is pleasurable. I tried it yesterday, and have now downloaded a trial game onto my PC and a full game onto my cell phone. Hours of fun (?) await me on both devices now...
So dear reader... I would love your thoughts and ramblings now...
So dear reader... I would love your thoughts and ramblings now...
What perfume/cologne do you love?
What album is constantly in your player?
Who do you listen to the most? (or watch?)
What season of the year are you the most happiest with conditions outside?
Do you have any weird addictive games or puzzles that annoy you, but you are still compelled to do them??
Come on already, give me my first blog comment!! 155 entries, and I have yet to receive even a one word entry...
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