Thursday, February 28, 2008
Comedy Bits for you all to enjoy..
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Don't forget to leave kudos and comments about your favorite lines from this or about your personal favorite comedians! Comments make me all happy inside :)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Un-Balancing Act, Part 3, Spring Cleaning, and laptops

I whipped through the bathroom like a hurricane, tossing out old bottles and organizing, cleaning and polishing. No problem. I was done with that room in less than an hour.
I opened the closet under the stairs, and it literally SUCKED all the time out of the rest of my day. I took EVERYTHING out, and managed to put enough things to the side for selling that I turned the closet into a little sewing room. (Little being the key word. It is just wide enough for my sewing table and the bench. However, long enough to fit all of my sewing notions in there, besides my maniquins.)
How exciting is that??

(well, for me anyway!)
Anyway, later in the afternoon, I was talking to one of my closer friends online, and thought I would get on Yahoo! answers to try to find her the answer of how to get into her crashed harddrive. Instead, I found the secret I have been looking for since 2005! In the spring of that year, I managed to lock myself out of my laptop because I forgot the password. Noone seemed to know how to get around that to let me back into my computer.
Noone. Many people I talked to said there was no way to get around it. My laptop was a paperweight now. (and it was for three years).
Another person actually suggested I should run over with my car. I really considered it too. Man, I'm glad I didn't follow through with that idea!
As of tonight, it is no longer a paperweight! I found a wise soul on Yahoo! Answers who gave me the simple directions that let me back into my laptop and regained my access to irreplaceable files.

Now, for the sobering news in my hunt for better employment.
I also contacted the North Liberty Library today, and was given a similiar answer to those that I had gotten from Coralville and Iowa City. In order of consideration of any paying job there, I must have education behind me and experience. However, until then, I can volunteer.
But wait, I can't. Volunteers don't get money, and the bills require it.
I could always do what Roseanne and Dan did on their show when they were strapped for cash. Send the phone bill to the electric company, the electric bill to the gas company, and so on...
I CANNOT work for Wal-Mart for another two years, at least!! I just can't. I think my remaining shreds of sanity will be destroyed way before then.

To end my day wonderfully, I also got to hold a long conversation via phone with my wonderful boyfriend. Yeah!! That man makes me so very happy! 35 minutes of full, actual conversation (and plenty of 'I love you's'!). I can't wait to see him once more.
So, that was my day, in a (longish) nutshell...
Dear readers.. Tell me your thoughts, your crazy ramblings!
Are you as impatient for spring's arrival as I am?
What do you do to whittle away your time?
What's the last thing you found yourself doing a happy dance for? (mentally, if not physically?)
What should I do about my employment????
Don't forget the kudos and subscribing! You know those things on my writings make me so very happy!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Un-Balancing Act Continued

However, the search isn't going as planned. As I mentioned in the blog entry here, the Coralville Library doesn't seem to match what I need. So, I contacted the Iowa City Library. (Can't blame a poor girl for trying!)

They don't have any openings right now, and even if they did, they start everyone out as part time (under 20 hours). I need full-time, and really really REALLY don't want to do two part time jobs, especially at least one of them being downtown. These employees are hourly (which is okay) but have no benefits. (NOT okay, I need my dental through work anyway.)
Next on my list is the North Liberty Library. (Boy, do I have a few interesting stories from that place! (Perhaps not so much to you, dear reader, but they are rather memorable instances. Even though I'd rather forget the era in which they happened.)
That's how the job hunt is going thus far. Dear reader, send your thoughts and good luck my way because it seems that I will desperately need them!!
Can you say 'Awwwwwwwwww...'?

I was just surfing along the grand world wide web, when I found a really really cute picture of a puppy that made me go 'awwwwwww'. Yes, yes, I am a total girl..
So, now it's your turn, dear reader!! I want to see your cute pet pictures, or at least ones you find online.. or pictures of any animal you like...
Don't forget kudos and comments!! You know how I love those!
Monday, February 25, 2008
One of my favorite comedians..
Without, further ado, here's Jeff Dunham..
What would you do if these were your children?
I saw this on the television earlier and was completely shocked and speechless! It's only a thirty second clip, but it's a clear incidient to me of child neglect.
Some background info:
Her mother's instinct told her something was amiss. She installed the nanny cam a week earlier....and saw the rough handling of her twin infants from the start. She saw this footage at work, and immediatley left work to get rid of the nanny.
She then called the cops, who told her that there wasn't enough evidence of child abuse or neglect.
My dear readers, what do you think? Should this nanny be held accountable for the ways she mishandled these babies? (Born almost a month early)
Is this as horrible to you as it is to me?
Don't forget, I absolutely adore comments! :)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The un-balancing act

Anyway, I inquired at the Coralville public library and found out they have a part time librarian position open. Fine, that's cool. I really need full time hours though. That position isn't open at this time however. Then I find out that library experience is required, a MLS preferred. If I'm not mistaken, that's a masters of library science. This position requires the applicant to spend thousands to get the masters and only pay them 10.00 dollars an hour. That doesn't seem to balance out to me. That is only 80 cents more than I am making now.
classes for a semester: 1000 tuition, books 3-4 hundred
times at least 6 or 7 semesters
I guess I will next inquire at the Iowa City Library and the North Liberty library. I think, however, that the case will be the same in those locations as well.
Dear reader..
What do you think of this overall?
Do you think the money earned will balance out the student loans that I will acquire (on top of my already extravagant loans for majors that didn't work out)?
Any suggestions at all to get me out of Wal-Mart??? Something new and different?
And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everythings made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everythings made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
(break and solo)
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everythings made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everythings made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
Another survey.....
Your boss tells you they will give you a $20/hr raise if you will do your job naked, do you?
um... nope
Your boyfriend/girlfriend's EX calls and needs a tire change, do you let them go help?
I wouldn't be too happy about it, but there is a reason she'd be an ex, so yes.
Ever seen a ghost?
yes, I had one playing havoc in a place I lived before. I'll have to blog about that sometime!
Do you love anyone?
A reason you would move to Iceland?
Did hell freeze over?
A place you have lived that you miss?
A person that you miss?
Jeff (my boyfriend). Josh, my childhood best friend, we will reunite one of these days when he gets out of the service.
A band/group you thought was cool when you were little?
New Kids on the Block
You have a nightmare, who is the first person you think to tell?
Jeff and my blog
Do you wanna have kids before you are 30?
It would be nice, I don't want to be a senior citizen when they graduate high school.
A memory from high school?
um...those all are things I am trying to forget..
Ever had a crush on one of your friends parents?
Silliest thing you have done?
many things, my absentmindedness causes a lot of them, like putting the remote in the freezer, and other weird stuff like that.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
My dad, unfortunately.
Something you have always wanted to do?
Where you would like to be in 10 years?
somewhere warm
Something you learned about life this year?
I need a job change and soon!
What do you want for your birthday?
Have you said I love you to anyone today?
Last item you bought yourself?
What did you have for breakfast?
Name a celeb you think is hot?
Johnny Knoxville
What is your ring tone?
Depends who's calling. Jeff's tone is "Livin' Our Love Song", my family's is "Time Marches On."
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Around 8-9
Have you ever been tied up?
No comment
What do you wish you were doing right now?
cuddling in Jeff's arms and sleeping
What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
Marquita? maybe? A long time ago, before Jeff stopped drinking around me.
Where do you rent your movies?
I don't rent, I buy.
Ever had a black eye?
When i was two, I fell forward on the kitchen floor and bruised the skin under my eye, that's about it. (And of course, it was the day before Mom took me to the portrait studio for pictures!)
Last people you went out with?
Marsha, Kirk, and Jeff
Name three places you would like to travel to?
1) Hawaii
2) California
3) Paris
Is there anyone you want to date at the moment?
I'm dating him!
Favorite food?
pork chops and rice
Silk or lace?
Last board/card game you played?
monopoly, the new edition
What do you think of Brad Pitt?
kinda hot.
Name a friend you have the most in common with?
What color are your toenails?
Last person you talked with on the phone?
Do you own anything with a skull on it?
Have you traveled to Europe?
Last movie you watched?
Jackass 2.5 (at home) Jumper (in the theatre)
If you could be anything in the world what would it be?
I dunno..
Last sin committed? idea
Avid Reading

In conversation the other day, it was brought to my attention that I needed to really expand my reading horizons. How? Well, the conversation went something like this:
Me: Well, you know I read a lot. Whenever I get a chance. I've always been an avid reader.
Them: Oh? What do you read?
Me: I read lots of Stephen King. The first time I read IT was when I was eleven, in the course of one hot long summer day. I'm on my fourth copy of that book now.
(..also at the time of this conversation, I had just finished the newly released 'Richard Bachman' book, Blaze; and was starting IT again. Before the bachman book, I read Desperation.)

Them: What else do you read?
Me: *thinking* Uuuummm.. that's about it... Every time he puts out a new book I buy it, and in between I am reading the books that I either already have in my library or the ones that I find in consignment shops.
Them: You know, that doesn't make you an avid reader. You just read a lot of Stephen King.
I've been thinking about this conversation a lot over the last few days, and decided I need help! Well, we all knew that much.. but I need help expanding my reading repertoire.
So, Dear Reader... I need your suggestions!
What books do you find yourself gravitating towards the most?
Who is your favorite author?
What classics should find their way into my hands and my mind??
I love comments and kudos. Subscribing to my blog would make me very very happy as well!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
First Reactions Quiz
This is called “FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ”. You have to type the 1st thing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 33 things. You can’t think and go back and change your answers.
Here we go
1. Beer: yuck
2. McDonalds: burned out
3. Relationships: wonderful
4. Purple: red
5. Power Rangers: young
6. Weed: turnoff
7. Steroids: stupid
8. Cartoons: Looney Tunes!!
9. The President: Idiot
10. Tupperware: plastic
11. Florida: sun
12. Santa Claus: creepy
13. Halloween: awesome
14. Alcohol: broken home
16: Myspace: mine!
17. Clowns: scary
18. Marriage: someday
19. Paris: romance
20. Redhead: temper
21. Blondes: gorgeous
22. Pass the: popcorn
23. One night stands: stupid
24. Donald Trump: You're fired!
25. Neverland: Michael Jackson's ranch
26. Dixie: land
27. Vanilla ice cream: boring
28. Hooters: ...gorgeous ladies
29. High school: cruel
30. Pajamas: comfy
31. Woody: lol
32. Wet Socks: camping in the rain
33. I love: Jeff! (...and my pets, and my family, lol)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Trying to empty out my thought at a time
I know it's going to sound really bad.. but Christianity turns me off big time. It's 70% because in my last relationship, the guy gave me a promise ring after one month, an engagement ring after three months, and then wanted to turn me into a good, behaved Christian preacher's wife, barefoot and pregnant without any real say in anything. When I tried to get space, he would sit on the hill behind my house and wait for me to come home if I was in town, or wait for me to come outside if I was home.
I did, however, finally rid myself of him with the help of one of my guy friends, and now am in a very wonderful relationship. We've been together for two and a half years next month!!
Dear Reader, I would love to hear your wonderful (or not so wonderful) dating stories, and memorable experiences with the opposite sex. Or same sex if you prefer :P
Comments and kudos would be awesome as well!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How do I stop letting my belongings control me?
I am a pack rat, and have TONS of stuff. I need suggestions on how to prune down what I own, and the best way to do it. What stuff should I generally keep around the house, and what type of stuff do you personally think I can get rid of in any typical room?
I'm at my wit's end, HELP!!!!!!
Dear Readers, please comment!! Subscribing and kudos would be great as usual, but I really really need suggestions and advice tonight!!! Thank you!!
Really, this is only one of many things driving me crazy right now, but the amount of stuff I have around me is definatley NOT helping with my stress levels and peace of mind!!
What is MTV thinking?

LOL... after dropping partial support of the crew, they've now decided to hand over the network to the Jackass guys for an ENTIRE day. If you are a fan of them, as I, you should get a kick out of this story!
Jackass' dislocating MTV sked for a day
Thursday, February 21st 2008, 4:00 AM
'Jack'-ed up group of men in thongs, run amok through the throngs in Times Square.
MTV is allowing the boys of "Jackass" to take over the network for 24 hours straight, starting Saturday at noon, and executive producer Jeff Tremaine has no idea why.
"It's quite irresponsible of MTV, allowing us to do this," Tremaine told the Daily News. "None of these guys were made for live television, so it should be quite interesting."
Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Chris Pontius and many others will be on hand to cause a ruckus as well as pop up in lost footage and taped segments that will be shown throughout the day.
"I'm not trying to bore people with old episodes that they've seen a million times," said Tremaine. "We're running wild on the streets of New York this week, shooting a bunch of stuff. We never really shot in New York before, so it's fun. We're going crazy."
The 24 hours of pandemonium will also include an hour-long tribute to stunt master Evel Knievel.
"That ended disastrously for us, so that should be fun for everyone to watch," said Tremaine. "Knoxville almost lost a penis in that deal. He tried to ride a motorcycle for the first time. He actually tried to backflip it, and got about halfway around. He's recovering, but he still has his catheter in as we speak."
On why they chose Knievel to honor, Tremaine said all the "Jackass" guys looked up to the daredevil, but not for his successes.
"When we watched Evel, you never really wanted to see him land a jump, you just wanted to watch him go for it and watch the carnage," Tremaine said. "That was the inspiration for 'Jackass' in the first place. If you land it, you've got to do it again."
Saturday's special is intended to drum up interest in the launch of, where Tremaine and the "Jackasses" will be taking their act full-time.
"The premise of the Web site is, instead of just shooting when we have a big movie, we're just going to constantly shoot," said Tremaine. "It was almost impossible to get Knoxville to stop shooting the last movie we had, so this sort of satisfies his need to just always be shooting something. It's not to say we won't ever do a third movie, but until then we're going to be doing a bunch of new stuff all the time."
The best thing about the site? It's uncensored.
"No bleeps or blurs," said Tremaine.
So what does Tremaine suspect he'll be doing after a full day of "kicking back and watching the destruction" of his "Jackass" crew?
"Throwing up and apologizing."
So readers, what do you think?
Have Johnny Knoxville, Bam, Steve-O and the rest of the crew lost the rest of their brain cells from all the stunts?
More Importantly, has MTV lost it's mind letting them take over? (I personally am going to try to catch as much of the craziness as possible!)
What do you think of the Jackass crew?
What other interesting news stories have you seen lately?
As always, I love your kudos and comments! Don't forget to subscribe if you find my blog interesting!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What could I do to get more money, besides another job? I already work 40 hours at mine, and they do not allow ANY overtime...I don't think I could handle another job on top of it..
Say what???
Bill Nye Boo'd In Texas For Saying The Moon Reflects The Sun
Bill Nye, the harmless children's edu-tainer known as "The Science Guy," managed to offend a select group of adults in Waco, Texas at a presentation, when he suggested that the moon does not emit light, but instead reflects the light of the sun.
As even most elementary-school graduates know, the moon reflects the light of the sun but produces no light of its own.
But don't tell that to the good people of Waco, who were "visibly angered by what some perceived as irreverence," according to the Waco Tribune.
Nye was in town to participate in McLennan Community College's Distinguished Lecture Series. He gave two lectures on such unfunny and adult topics as global warming, Mars exploration, and energy consumption.
But nothing got people as riled as when he brought up Genesis 1:16, which reads: "God made two great lights -- the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars."
The lesser light, he pointed out, is not a light at all, but only a reflector.
At this point, several people in the audience stormed out in fury. One woman yelled "We believe in God!" and left with three children, thus ensuring that people across America would read about the incident and conclude that Waco is as nutty as they'd always suspected.
This story originally appeared in the Waco Tribune, but the newspaper has mysteriously pulled its story from the online version, presumably to avoid further embarassment.
What is your thoughts? Reactions?
Do you know anything else about this incident?
Is that town really that ignorant?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
For the readers who didn't know, I just got back from Nebraska on Sunday, where my wonderful boyfriend lives. The four and a half hour drive there was uneventful, pleasant, just really long. The trip back however was only one out of the three, and that was long! It was pure ice between Des Moines and here, taking me a total of seven and a half hours to get home! (and countless vehicles in the ditches and median, including eighteen wheelers and one state trooper.)
I got to be with him for four days, far from enough time I must say.
Lots of kisses, cuddles, hugs, and touches.. but I have so many more for him yet! He surprised me with my favorite chocolates...
...and my first ever trip to a nail salon. I've been talking about how I wanted to do the girlie thing and get my nails done, but hadn't made it yet. So he took me!
I also got a wonderful massage from him..he gives the best massages! Although, the best V-day gift though was to just be with him and to kiss him.
and my first ever trip to a nail salon. (He is very very thoughtful!)
I bought him a few new zombie movies, that he actually picked out. I'm not for sure if he knew what I was up to or not...
OKAY... I am going to give up blogging for the night.. I'm trying to blog about my four day vacation.. but I took my medicine before I started, and I cannot string together a full coherent paragraph... So I may have to do another post tommorow with everything I forgot tonight...
Dear reader, as always I love your comments and input...If you were to subscribe, I would be very happy :)
What does it take to get you all doped up and unable to function? (In my case, it's my medicine.)
What did you do for V-day?
Dreamin' of a warm day..
This song by the Beach Boys has been in my head all day, so I thought I would share it. It's an interesting new mix by the group. (Well, in the nineties anyway!)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
25 Year Mark!!
Okay, that's all. Just had to mention it. I included a clip for you, above. Sorry the few captions are Spanish(?), but they aren't essential to the viewing.
Yes, I know, I'll get some slack about blogging about him. But everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, and I won't delete comments unless they are absolutely horrible! :) )
Have a great chilly day everyone!
And as usual, I would love to hear your thoughts!
What artist can you not get enough of?
What were some of your
favorite music videos?
What CDS are constantly in your player? (Or in my case, on your record player?)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Deadbeat Fathers
First written:
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Originally aired: Monday May 9, 1994 on NBC
Will's natural father shows up out of the blue. While Will is thrilled Phillip and Viv are suspicious. Spending a few fun days with his father, Will can't see him for what he really is and begins to believe in him again. After having a few fun times with Will his father has to hit the road again and promises h e will be back for Will to go with him. When he leaves without Will, Will realizes that his uncle Phil is the real man in his life.
The script from the final scene that I found thankfully on Google that really makes it hit home because it is EXACTLY how I feel and describes my relationship with my own absent father, down the the number of years he was completely out of contact:
Will: Hey, you no what, you ain't got to do nothing, uncle Phil. You kow, ain't like I'm still five years old, you know? Ain't like I'm be sitting every night asking my mom "when's daddy coming home," you know? Who need's 'em? Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to shoot my first basket, but I learned it, didn't I? And I got pretty damn g ood at it too, didn't I, uncle Phil?
Phil: Yeah, you did.
Will: Got to do my first date without 'em, right? I learned how to ride, I learned how to shave, I learned how to fight without 'em. I had fourteen great birthdays without him; he never even sent me a damn card. THE HELL WITH HIM!! (pause) I didn't need 'em then I won't need 'em now.
Phil: Will,...
Will: No, you know what, uncle Phil? I'm get through college without him, I'm get a great job without him, I'm marry me a beautiful honey and I'm having a whole bunch of kids. I'm be a better father than he ever was. And I sure as hell don't need him for that, 'cause it ain't a DAMN THING HE CAN EVER TEACH ME ABOUT HOW LOVE MY KIDS! (long pause) How come he don't want me, man?
My father was, and is, a complete loser for me. I managed to have him off and on the first few years of my life, when he dropped off the planet it seemed. Fourteen years later, and two or three secretly mailed letters from myself to him during middle school, I got a letter from him saying 'time flies huh ? I always MEANT TO call or write, but didn't have the chance.' Turns out that the same time I lost my father's attention and love, he remarried and two other little girls got the love from my father that was MINE. His wife (now ex) found my letters hidden in his drawer while doing some spur of the moment spring cleaning and told him he needed to contact me. That was six years ago, and our relationship has been sporadic at best. Last time I talked to him, I thought I would call him to tell him I was in a minor accident, and he didn't even ask if I was okay. All he said was 'well you learned a lesson didn't you'?
Yeah, I learned a lesson alright. I don't have my father's love, never have, and never will. My mom's ex fiancee was more of a father to me then my own ever was. My childhood best friend's father was more of a father to me, and my neighbor's father was.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Dazed and Confused...

If I don't make much sense for a few weeks, or seem to trail off and jump around in topics more then usual-It's the medicine I swear!!!

For a quick reference as to how my mind is working, here is the comment I left in one of the blogs that I am subscribed to:
(Boyfriend lives in another state going to college at the moment...)
See? I've lost it... but I have lost the pain in my back as well, and that might well be worth losing my brain!! (What little I had left, anyway! LOL)
Anyway, it's time for me to stop trying to think today, and crash into my bed...
And as usual, I would love to hear your ramblings and thoughts...
- What medicines have made you loopy and acting strange?
- What did you find yourself doing this past weekend?
- Have you ever used something to your advantage to get ahead? (such as booty in college? LMAO)
- What would you trade to be rid of something/someone else you can't stand?
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Now, I am sure it's time to move on to new How crappy has Iowa weather been this winter? For crying out loud, how much snow do we really need? And now, it's like sub-zero temperatures outside! I am freezing just thinking about it! As I was leaving work this evening, I was told that we are 'supposed to get four more glorious inches of snow tomorrow night'. Exact words.. Grrrrrrrrrr... The words 'glorious' and 'snow' do not belong in the same sentence!! I can assure you of that!
Below is a typical, dreary Iowan winter, where I try to spend as much time inside as humanly possible!!)
So dear reader... I would love your thoughts and ramblings now...
What perfume/cologne do you love?
What album is constantly in your player?
Who do you listen to the most? (or watch?)
What season of the year are you the most happiest with conditions outside?
Do you have any weird addictive games or puzzles that annoy you, but you are still compelled to do them??
Come on already, give me my first blog comment!! 155 entries, and I have yet to receive even a one word entry...
Saturday, February 9, 2008
What makes it unforgettable for you?
I've got a few favorite blogs that I subscribe to and get all excited when there are new entries to read. What makes a blog so yummy you can't help but to read it?
...and while you are at it, what makes the original thing you were thinking about so yummy?
Friday, February 8, 2008
I know, i know...
Sorry dear reader, but the ramblings of this blog shall be continued another night... I will definitely try to push myself to catch everything up tomorrow, promise!!!!
Good night!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
What a week so far....
I gotta say though, more and more, lately it seems that bedtime is my favorite time of the day. The time when I can once more fall into my bed, into oblivion for eight hours (or longer if I am lucky). Have dreams that I don't usually remember, but that I know Jeff is in them with me on a nightly basis.
And I am lucky now, for it is sleep-time. I don't have to be awake, dealing with the world any longer today.
Good night.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Loooooooooooooooonnnnngggg day........
Whatever the case, I was back and forth between the self checkouts and zoning my department today, fine and dandy. I took two Advil Liqui-caps when I got to work, and my back was feeling better then it had for the last couple of weeks. CSM's have been putting me on the door or self-checkouts sitting down, so my back would get a rest.
That lasted until Asst. Josh told me to go up front on 18 (which is a speedy checkout). I was up there for about 20 minutes, before my back started killing me again. It felt like there was a stone in the bottom of my spine, and it quickly escalated to the point it felt like it was going to give out on me. CSM Kris went flying by, and I told her "Please put me on a self-checkout, my back is going to give out!" She actually heard me in her running state, and right away told me to shut off my light and go over to the GM self-checkouts. She understands, and so do the rest of the CSM's, why don't management? Do they lose the compassionate gene when they hit the big time? (Well, as big of the big time as being management at Wal*Mart can be anyway!)
I was on the GM s.c. from 5-6:05, when I realized that I wasn't going to get my last break if I didn't remind them. So I patiently waited for the code to go through the register to tell them. Well, no surprise when that didn't work!!! So by the time Asst. Josh came over, it was 6:20 and I told him I wanted my break! Of course, I still didn't get it until 6:45... Ah well... someday they will not have me there, and I will rejoice at never stepping foot into a building occupied by the super-retail giant again!
I bought myself the most gorgeous pair of dress shoes tonight after work, as a small gift to myself. They came in, and I thought they would go so wonderfully with my red dress! They are like Cinderella strappy shoes. I slipped one on, and it fit perfectly! I didn't even have to adjust the strap at all. Woohoo!!! I know, I know, just what you're thinking.... You were just thinking that I need yet another pair of shoes!! I'll have to take a picture tomorrow and post it.. they are sooo pretty!! Sparkly silver, small heel and strappy! I think I deserve small purchases like that every so often...
Came home, and fed the munchkins their new diet of canned pet food. Midnight seems to be feeling much better, she's much skinnier then she used to be still.. but she is climbing on EVERYTHING!! In the middle of the night, she has taken to the habit of knocking things off of shelves and acting like a kitten again. That's how I know she's feeling better. Doesn't make for much restful sleep for me however.
I got to talk to Jeff TWICE before my shower, and that was wonderful. I love that man so much!! I thought I was going to be able to talk to him online after my shower, but apparently he has fallen asleep again, because he is nowhere to be found. I think I will have to make an appointment of sorts with him for tomorrow evening, so that I can talk to him on messenger!
I've been trying to 'rip' my CDS to my computer recently, and it is definitely taking a LONG time... I have been doing it at least for a few weeks, and am only on the 'I's. ICP's 'Amazing Jeckel Brothers', to be exact. Five more tracks of that one to rip. I am also taking them out of my CD book, and putting them back into cases. My book is falling apart, and I'd rather have all my music on my computer where I listen to it the most anyway. The CDS will become backup copies, and fill my shelves once more.
I am getting very very tired, so I think I will be heading to bed as soon as I post this, and the CD finishes ripping. It has been a very long day, and I want to fall into lala-land soon.
Good night dear reader.
Friday, February 1, 2008
I hope he's okay..
I want to go to bed, but I won't be able to sleep very well without hearing his voice for our usual goodnight call. (spoiled i know)
Onward, to some more useless surfing. I'm also uploading more CD's onto my computer, so at least I am accomplishing something tonight!!