A wrap up of the rest of the last week....
I last blogged on Wednesday. The next day, Thursday (Yes, Yes, here's your sign lol), we got up leisurely and had some cereal. Then we went off to do a walk of the mall in Lincoln. The first wing of the mall that we were in, I saw a store with an awesome liquidation sale in progress. Steve and Barry's it was called, and everything was $8.98. When I say everything, I do mean EVERYTHING. I had some extra money left in my account yet, so I figured I could buy me some new clothes, and had a fun time exploring the store. Jeff helped me find some cute tops, and I bought a couple of hoodies for work. I get up to the counter, and pulling out my debit card when Jeff took over and paid for my purchase. He wanted to treat me to it as a Christmas present. He is so wonderful to me, and not because of the monetary things, but because of how loving, caring, sweet and wonderful he is to me.
After we left Steve and Barry's, we walked a bit further and came across Gamestop, so we went in. He pointed out a computer game that he had been wanting, so I bought it for him. Later, however we found out that the code didn't work, so he had to take it back and exchange it for another game. Bummer :( We took the bags out to the car, so that we wouldn't have to carry them all around the mall.
We were about halfway through the perimeter of the mall when we came upon the pretty dress store. We had gone in there together the week that I gone to Nebraska and we started dating. I hadn't taken 10 steps into the store when my eyes laid upon this

Yet another trip to the car, and then we hit the food court. I got a yummy smoothie from a combination Orange Julius/DQ and a hot dog that was in need of help of some kind. It definitely wasn't the best, but he shared some of his chicken taco thingy with me while we played chess. I actually won!!!!!! I won't gloat much, I just thought I should record that for posterity, *giggles*.
Then we hit the new arcade area, and had had plenty of mall exposure, so it was home again for us. We stopped at Wal-Mart for some barbecue sauce on the way, and he saw someone he knew in high school, but hadn't seen since. That brought on the whole "Oh, is that your wife?" called out by her from the speedy checkout ahead of us. Then came what felt like the violent shake of his head, as if to vehemently protest that idea. "My girlfriend". It bugged me the rest of the afternoon, though I didn't mention it. It seems to just be a small recurrence of the mistyping in the IM between marriage/massage that you may recall from a few weeks ago, my dear reader. If you look back to the entry from December 12th entitled, "I can tell by my stat counter that I don't have any visits...", you'll now know what I am talking about. I am sure it is nothing to worry about, I just am a worry wart. I know he loves me, and I am his and he is mine.. and I am so in love with that man!
Anywho, after we got home, I attempted to take a nap, but it didn't work very well. We had supper with his mother, and then went back to his room to play some more Super Nintendo. Then it was HOT TUB time! Woohoo! I want one of those things someday. We sat in it and talked about meteors and comets, and then he ran down to the snow and rolled around. Man, did he make a mad dash back to the tub! Before we got out, I ran down to the snow with him, but then he threw snow at me as we were running back. Oh well, it was more minutes in the hot tub to warm up again!
We slept soon after, curled up tight next to each other, his arms tightly around me. That is the BEST way to sleep!
Friday morning was filled with packing my car up again, doing my laundry, and getting as many kisses and hugs in as possible. The drive home was pretty mundane and unexciting, except I thought I had somehow driven into the movie 'The Mist'. At any minute,I was expecting to have huge spider creatures stomp past or nasty bugs flying at my windshield. I got home safe anyway.
Quickest recap of the weekend ever: I was off on Saturday, and just sat around. Sunday, I worked 1-10 and cashiered a lot of that. Blech.
Yesterday was Christmas Eve, and I worked 9-6:30. Becky and I spent the last two or so hours in jewelry, checking people out. Fun Fun. Came home, and then Leon told me that he had to work today, on Christmas, after he told us over and over that he didn't have to, because they would be closed. Something fishy there. So we did gifts last night, and played a game of my new Monopoly: here and now game.
Today we had our Christmas dinner of t-bone (didn't impress me much), mashed potatoes (which I don't really like), five cup salad (yum!), corn (double yum!), and for desert apple pie!!!!) Cleaned up the kitchen and spent the rest of the day taking down the inside holiday decorations. Still have a few to go, but oh well. Also watched a lot of Comedy Central's stand up comics (3 out of 4 of the blue collar comedy tour-Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engval, Ron White; the guy who is a great ventriloquist) and then watched "I know who killed me" with Lindsey Lohan. That movie was pretty good in my opinion.
And there is the sum of the last week or so.. I wanted to get this caught up before I forget all of my thoughts and events... Dear reader, I hope it didn't put you to sleep! But sleep is where I do head next, for I need to hide away from the waking world for awhile.
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