And not much to say.. well, I have tons to say, I just don't feel like writing tonight. And I don't feel well...
So it's off to bed for me.. See you all next year!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
My new loves in retail and food...

My new favorite place to shop!!!! It's reasonable, with tons of nice clothes to choose from! You may recognize the name from a few other entries in this blog....

My new 'must-have' brand, definitely better then my old favorites (Metro 7 and Mudd)... I have loved everything I have tried on from this line. Granted, I don't own everything that I have tried on, but that's only because I don't have enough money!!!
It's designed by Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex In the City actress), and is a great line. Definitely going to get more!!!

Lastly, my newest food love is...............water! Go figure, huh? I was walking out of the back room a few days ago freshly deciding that I need to eat healthier and stop eating so much crap. Then I see the vendors setting up a brand new pallet of SmartWater. We now carry it at our store. I grabbed the first bottle to be sold off of it, and absolutely love it!
It's just water, you may say. But it tastes delicious!! It doesn't hurt that Jennifer Aniston is the spokeswoman for it! *giggles* My dear reader, you know I am a HUGE fan of her!
It tastes smoother somehow, then some other bottled water, and each bottle holds four servings of water. I was downing way too much Pepsi, so this is a MUCH better alternative!

My new 'must-have' brand, definitely better then my old favorites (Metro 7 and Mudd)... I have loved everything I have tried on from this line. Granted, I don't own everything that I have tried on, but that's only because I don't have enough money!!!
It's designed by Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex In the City actress), and is a great line. Definitely going to get more!!!

It's just water, you may say. But it tastes delicious!! It doesn't hurt that Jennifer Aniston is the spokeswoman for it! *giggles* My dear reader, you know I am a HUGE fan of her!
It tastes smoother somehow, then some other bottled water, and each bottle holds four servings of water. I was downing way too much Pepsi, so this is a MUCH better alternative!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
A wrap up of the rest of the last week....
I last blogged on Wednesday. The next day, Thursday (Yes, Yes, here's your sign lol), we got up leisurely and had some cereal. Then we went off to do a walk of the mall in Lincoln. The first wing of the mall that we were in, I saw a store with an awesome liquidation sale in progress. Steve and Barry's it was called, and everything was $8.98. When I say everything, I do mean EVERYTHING. I had some extra money left in my account yet, so I figured I could buy me some new clothes, and had a fun time exploring the store. Jeff helped me find some cute tops, and I bought a couple of hoodies for work. I get up to the counter, and pulling out my debit card when Jeff took over and paid for my purchase. He wanted to treat me to it as a Christmas present. He is so wonderful to me, and not because of the monetary things, but because of how loving, caring, sweet and wonderful he is to me.
After we left Steve and Barry's, we walked a bit further and came across Gamestop, so we went in. He pointed out a computer game that he had been wanting, so I bought it for him. Later, however we found out that the code didn't work, so he had to take it back and exchange it for another game. Bummer :( We took the bags out to the car, so that we wouldn't have to carry them all around the mall.
We were about halfway through the perimeter of the mall when we came upon the pretty dress store. We had gone in there together the week that I gone to Nebraska and we started dating. I hadn't taken 10 steps into the store when my eyes laid upon this

Yet another trip to the car, and then we hit the food court. I got a yummy smoothie from a combination Orange Julius/DQ and a hot dog that was in need of help of some kind. It definitely wasn't the best, but he shared some of his chicken taco thingy with me while we played chess. I actually won!!!!!! I won't gloat much, I just thought I should record that for posterity, *giggles*.
Then we hit the new arcade area, and had had plenty of mall exposure, so it was home again for us. We stopped at Wal-Mart for some barbecue sauce on the way, and he saw someone he knew in high school, but hadn't seen since. That brought on the whole "Oh, is that your wife?" called out by her from the speedy checkout ahead of us. Then came what felt like the violent shake of his head, as if to vehemently protest that idea. "My girlfriend". It bugged me the rest of the afternoon, though I didn't mention it. It seems to just be a small recurrence of the mistyping in the IM between marriage/massage that you may recall from a few weeks ago, my dear reader. If you look back to the entry from December 12th entitled, "I can tell by my stat counter that I don't have any visits...", you'll now know what I am talking about. I am sure it is nothing to worry about, I just am a worry wart. I know he loves me, and I am his and he is mine.. and I am so in love with that man!
Anywho, after we got home, I attempted to take a nap, but it didn't work very well. We had supper with his mother, and then went back to his room to play some more Super Nintendo. Then it was HOT TUB time! Woohoo! I want one of those things someday. We sat in it and talked about meteors and comets, and then he ran down to the snow and rolled around. Man, did he make a mad dash back to the tub! Before we got out, I ran down to the snow with him, but then he threw snow at me as we were running back. Oh well, it was more minutes in the hot tub to warm up again!
We slept soon after, curled up tight next to each other, his arms tightly around me. That is the BEST way to sleep!
Friday morning was filled with packing my car up again, doing my laundry, and getting as many kisses and hugs in as possible. The drive home was pretty mundane and unexciting, except I thought I had somehow driven into the movie 'The Mist'. At any minute,I was expecting to have huge spider creatures stomp past or nasty bugs flying at my windshield. I got home safe anyway.
Quickest recap of the weekend ever: I was off on Saturday, and just sat around. Sunday, I worked 1-10 and cashiered a lot of that. Blech.
Yesterday was Christmas Eve, and I worked 9-6:30. Becky and I spent the last two or so hours in jewelry, checking people out. Fun Fun. Came home, and then Leon told me that he had to work today, on Christmas, after he told us over and over that he didn't have to, because they would be closed. Something fishy there. So we did gifts last night, and played a game of my new Monopoly: here and now game.
Today we had our Christmas dinner of t-bone (didn't impress me much), mashed potatoes (which I don't really like), five cup salad (yum!), corn (double yum!), and for desert apple pie!!!!) Cleaned up the kitchen and spent the rest of the day taking down the inside holiday decorations. Still have a few to go, but oh well. Also watched a lot of Comedy Central's stand up comics (3 out of 4 of the blue collar comedy tour-Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engval, Ron White; the guy who is a great ventriloquist) and then watched "I know who killed me" with Lindsey Lohan. That movie was pretty good in my opinion.
And there is the sum of the last week or so.. I wanted to get this caught up before I forget all of my thoughts and events... Dear reader, I hope it didn't put you to sleep! But sleep is where I do head next, for I need to hide away from the waking world for awhile.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What a wonderful time it has been so far!
This has been the best week so far! I came to Nebraska on Monday.. and have had a blast with Jeff. It is so wonderful to be spending time with him again. I came here early, (as a surprise, I was going to come in on Tuesday, but wanted to surprise him). We had a wonderfully relaxing evening on Monday. I showed up just as they were leaving to go get his mom's new TV, so I went with them. After we got back, we watched Ocean's Thirteen. That movie was awesome. (which mysteriously appeared on his DVD shelf. I don't know how that happened? )
Yesterday we went into town to get his mother's and Tyler's Christmas gifts. We came back and I took a nap as he started dinner. Then we had dinner with his mom, and after that we watched the second new movie I got him for Christmas, The Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, which truly would be confusing to anyone not used to the show's characters and series. Later on, I gave him his last two gifts. One was a nice pocketknife that he liked a lot. I choose wonderfully, I believe. :) Then I couldn't wait any longer to give him his last gift. It was a nice pocket watch. I was leery about it because it wasn't a windup one. But he seemed to really like it as well! Afterward, we watched American Psycho. I really really like that movie! Of course, the more gory a movie, the better it is, in my opinion. How strange am I? LOL, I love gory gory movies, as long as they don't hurt animals in the plot.
Today has been a full day already! He made me breakfast in bed :), which is just another example of how wonderful and sweet he is. Then I took a shower, and he did dishes. Afterwards, we went to town and he showed me where he goes to class. Following that, we went to a cute little coffee house and played a great game of chess. I don't know how I did it, but I actually won! We are going to have a rematch however.. Maybe tonight after dinner.
I fully recommend "The Mist" movie, based on Stephen King's novella. If you have read the book like I have, you will see a few major plot omissions in the first ten minutes of the film. However, if you stick with it, it turns out to be a very dark, eerie, and GREAT film. The end is far different from the book, in the case that there is an ACTUAL close to the film. The book didn't have a true ending, which bugged me when I read the book a few months ago.
We just arrived back home a few minutes ago, probably closer to a half hour ago now that I looked at the clock! I have been typing this, and he has been outside scraping more of the ice off of the sidewalk. It took me a few minutes to remember what email and password combination I used on my blogger account. I don't know why I always forget my sign on information for every single website account I have.. its rather annoying. It's a good thing I have my computer remember that sort of thing. I had to email Kimmy for my Fubar login information.
All sorts of crazy news going on right now. A chemical plant in Florida had an explosion, abuse case in a prison comes to light, a ten year arrested for taking a steak knife to school to cut her lunch meat. Yes, you read that right. A ten year old ARRESTED for taking a kitchen utensil to school with her. She's facing a weapons charge of some sort, and a ten day suspension from school. Oh yeah, and Jaime Lynn Spears is pregnant. Oh boy, don't we have better things to talk about??
Yesterday we went into town to get his mother's and Tyler's Christmas gifts. We came back and I took a nap as he started dinner. Then we had dinner with his mom, and after that we watched the second new movie I got him for Christmas, The Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, which truly would be confusing to anyone not used to the show's characters and series. Later on, I gave him his last two gifts. One was a nice pocketknife that he liked a lot. I choose wonderfully, I believe. :) Then I couldn't wait any longer to give him his last gift. It was a nice pocket watch. I was leery about it because it wasn't a windup one. But he seemed to really like it as well! Afterward, we watched American Psycho. I really really like that movie! Of course, the more gory a movie, the better it is, in my opinion. How strange am I? LOL, I love gory gory movies, as long as they don't hurt animals in the plot.
Today has been a full day already! He made me breakfast in bed :), which is just another example of how wonderful and sweet he is. Then I took a shower, and he did dishes. Afterwards, we went to town and he showed me where he goes to class. Following that, we went to a cute little coffee house and played a great game of chess. I don't know how I did it, but I actually won! We are going to have a rematch however.. Maybe tonight after dinner.
I fully recommend "The Mist" movie, based on Stephen King's novella. If you have read the book like I have, you will see a few major plot omissions in the first ten minutes of the film. However, if you stick with it, it turns out to be a very dark, eerie, and GREAT film. The end is far different from the book, in the case that there is an ACTUAL close to the film. The book didn't have a true ending, which bugged me when I read the book a few months ago.
We just arrived back home a few minutes ago, probably closer to a half hour ago now that I looked at the clock! I have been typing this, and he has been outside scraping more of the ice off of the sidewalk. It took me a few minutes to remember what email and password combination I used on my blogger account. I don't know why I always forget my sign on information for every single website account I have.. its rather annoying. It's a good thing I have my computer remember that sort of thing. I had to email Kimmy for my Fubar login information.
All sorts of crazy news going on right now. A chemical plant in Florida had an explosion, abuse case in a prison comes to light, a ten year arrested for taking a steak knife to school to cut her lunch meat. Yes, you read that right. A ten year old ARRESTED for taking a kitchen utensil to school with her. She's facing a weapons charge of some sort, and a ten day suspension from school. Oh yeah, and Jaime Lynn Spears is pregnant. Oh boy, don't we have better things to talk about??
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Two days until i get to leave to see Jeff! Woohoo!! *giggles* I had to record this right away for some reason. I just got out of the shower, and I'm still in my towel!! Off I go to get ready for work... blech... But yesterday wasn't too bad at work. I cashiered all day.. a broken bottle of wine on the floor behind me for like three hours (no maintenance ever came to clean it up). Other cashiers tried hard to pick up the mess, but they were new and didn't realize where the spill stations are. I finally finished cleaning up the broken glass and soaked paper towels when I came back from lunch. Ah well... such is the day in the life of retail..

Woohoo!! I got a few early Christmas presents from mom today! They are so pretty! You can't see them in the pictures very clearly, but the first one is silver with pink and purple stones. The second one is a pair of silver earrings with CZ stones, and sort of dangly, and the third one is a gorgeous created ruby set with dangling earrings, a necklace and a pretty ring.
It's actually gold, I don't usually like gold, but this set is soooo pretty. I saw it in the jewelry case at work, and fell in love with it immediatley. Mom had already boughten this set before I saw the set at work. So that was a perfect choice for me. So, early presents for me!! Yeah!!

I went to my favorite consignment/antique shop on Thursday, and oh my god, I must say I found the coolest thing out. They actually have a small sewing section, filled with everything with baggies full of thimbles, to Antique looming thread, to bolts of fabric. It was sooo cool! I n
ever paid that much attention to that part of the store before. I have pursued the fabrics and crafts section of Wal-Mart countless times in the last few weeks, but everything cost more money then I have it seems. So anyway, in the space of about ten minutes I collected an armful of sewing notions and took it up to the counter. And voila!!! Everything in the picture only cost me a mere $10.02! How cool is that! I have a huge panel of cream silky fabric and a panel of white silky fabric that will be ideal for purse linings. I also got that funky blue and white fabric (in the upper left corner), and mucho felt pieces. I thought I might be able to experiment with those and make Christmas ornaments out of them. I saw a how-to on another blog. A lot of what you see on the right half of the picture is various colors & amounts of trim. I got curious after I bought it all &when I was waiting for my mom to come out of Autozone I counted. I have 39 yards of trim total in packages that haven't even been
opened yet! Of course, some of it is at least 20 years old, but still looks as good as it did the day it was first sold! Someone must have had LOADS of sewing stuff! Oh yeah, when I was going through the sewing section (in awe)I came across this awesome fabric: Is that not the prettiest?? It's red and is embroidered with red and green flowers. So pretty!! I'm going to save it for when I am very good at sewing and make a pretty dress or skirt out of it. I am only in the very beginning stages of learning how to do it properly and right. I came up with the idea today that sewing clothes and modifying them is like making a work of art that you can wear. I thought that was just a tad bit clever :P So anyway, when I was going through my closet last week, I came up with a rather large bag of clothing that I never wear, and probably never will. I was going to donate it to Goodwill, but decided to save it for the pieces that I can take the zippers or buttons from. Then the rest, I will modify into pieces that I will wear. I have a grey short sleeve top that is made out of sweater material that it's neckline drives me crazy! So I think, I might modify it into a large shoulder bag or a halter top. I haven't decided yet. I also came across my second pair of jean capri's that I didn't wear because the ends weren't hemmed, and they looked rather bland. So I looked at them, and I looked at the strips of lace I had hanging from my mannequin, and back at the capri's. The idea for my first sewing 'project' appeared in my head. I got to work with the lace, the capri's, and my machine. The end result? Rather pretty and I love them now!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I can tell by my stat counter that I don't have any visits...
from anyone I know to my blog.. how interesting. After a few different people said "Of course, I read it! It's interesting...." I thought that wasn't right, and that was one of the reasons for the stat counter, just to see who really reads it. It is all mine to write whatever I want, and to use my blog to work through various thoughts and problems that I have.
Well, I don't have to 'worry' about him getting down on one knee with a ring and a declaration of love forever anytime soon. That was proven to me via conversation just a bit ago. Nice to see that it needs clarification so quickly.. Freudian slip? Or perhaps just an innocent slip of typing? Or a bit of wishful thinking on my part? We do say forever and ever a lot.. and I don't plan on going anywhere, I believe he is around to stay as well.
Excerpt from the convo: (and the part that showed me where things possibly stand is in red, 10:12-10:13)
me (10:02:16 PM): that would be wonderful
him(10:02:38 PM): maybe someday soon we can kiss
him (10:03:00 PM): oh yeah, just 4 days and 3 half days
me (10:03:38 PM):
Seana P (10:03:49 PM): forever it seems
him(10:06:10 PM): but it is soon
him(10:06:28 PM): my my kisses will pour on you like a summer rain
me (10:07:09 PM): ooohhh
me (10:07:10 PM):
him (10:07:38 PM): and I can love you forever
me (10:09:33 PM): ooohhhhhh that is even better
him (10:12:46 PM): better still, a nice long marrage and snuggling and cuddling
me (10:13:04 PM): oohhh the 'm' word..
me (10:13:09 PM):
me (10:13:21 PM): snuggling and cuddling and loving forever?
me (10:13:23 PM): with you?
him (10:13:27 PM): I'm sorry baby, I meant massage
me (10:13:27 PM): where do I sign up?
me(10:13:41 PM): i can sign up for that as well
me (10:13:44 PM): massages forever?
him (10:13:53 PM): I wouldn't tease you
me (10:14:15 PM): massages from you, and cuddling
me (10:14:20 PM): that's an awesome offer
him(10:15:01 PM): yes, massages forever
him (10:15:23 PM): and hopefully, someday I can make you my own
him (10:15:55 PM): but I wouldn't mention it so breifly and nonchalauntly
me (0:16:20 PM): i know
me (10:16:45 PM): so what do you have planned for the rest of the night my love?
Well, I don't have to 'worry' about him getting down on one knee with a ring and a declaration of love forever anytime soon. That was proven to me via conversation just a bit ago. Nice to see that it needs clarification so quickly.. Freudian slip? Or perhaps just an innocent slip of typing? Or a bit of wishful thinking on my part? We do say forever and ever a lot.. and I don't plan on going anywhere, I believe he is around to stay as well.
Excerpt from the convo: (and the part that showed me where things possibly stand is in red, 10:12-10:13)
me (10:02:16 PM): that would be wonderful
him(10:02:38 PM): maybe someday soon we can kiss
him (10:03:00 PM): oh yeah, just 4 days and 3 half days
me (10:03:38 PM):
Seana P (10:03:49 PM): forever it seems
him(10:06:10 PM): but it is soon
him(10:06:28 PM): my my kisses will pour on you like a summer rain
me (10:07:09 PM): ooohhh
me (10:07:10 PM):
him (10:07:38 PM): and I can love you forever
me (10:09:33 PM): ooohhhhhh that is even better
him (10:12:46 PM): better still, a nice long marrage and snuggling and cuddling
me (10:13:04 PM): oohhh the 'm' word..
me (10:13:09 PM):
me (10:13:21 PM): snuggling and cuddling and loving forever?
me (10:13:23 PM): with you?
him (10:13:27 PM): I'm sorry baby, I meant massage
me (10:13:27 PM): where do I sign up?
me(10:13:41 PM): i can sign up for that as well
me (10:13:44 PM): massages forever?
him (10:13:53 PM): I wouldn't tease you
me (10:14:15 PM): massages from you, and cuddling
me (10:14:20 PM): that's an awesome offer
him(10:15:01 PM): yes, massages forever
him (10:15:23 PM): and hopefully, someday I can make you my own
him (10:15:55 PM): but I wouldn't mention it so breifly and nonchalauntly
me (0:16:20 PM): i know
me (10:16:45 PM): so what do you have planned for the rest of the night my love?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
I wanna do all!
I was listening to Terri Clark's 'I wanna do it all' and I got to thinking... If I could do ANYTHING in the world, no financial limits, no responsibility to worry about, I would definitely want to do/or experience the following:
1. Travel
2. write a novel
3. Learn how to horseback ride
4. record a song
5. See the pyramids (and go inside!)
6. Meet Reba McEntire and Michael Jackson (Lifelong fan of both, "Fancy" and "Thriller" were the first songs that I learned how to sing!
7. Live in New York City for a year
8. Live in San Fransisco
9. Work for a charity
10. Take in poor animals that otherwise would be euthanized because of no good homes
11. Have a family
12. Visit a Cherokee reservation (I'm half Cherokee)
13. Research my ancestors and build my family tree. Learn about my heritage.
14. Have my own clothing line. I've been drawing neat outfits since high school, just got my first sewing machine this week!
15. Have a successful marriage
16. Have sexy pictures taken of me professionally that I actually like
17. go on a road trip with no predetermined destination
18. Rock Climb
19. Learn another language
20. Go to Mardi Grai
21. Learn how to knit
22. Learn how to dance-proper ballroom dancing...salsa.. not the gyrating crazy dancing.. :P
23. work from home
I'm sure I will have more... this was just all that came to mind while I was listening to the song
1. Travel
2. write a novel
3. Learn how to horseback ride
4. record a song
5. See the pyramids (and go inside!)
6. Meet Reba McEntire and Michael Jackson (Lifelong fan of both, "Fancy" and "Thriller" were the first songs that I learned how to sing!
7. Live in New York City for a year
8. Live in San Fransisco
9. Work for a charity
10. Take in poor animals that otherwise would be euthanized because of no good homes
11. Have a family
12. Visit a Cherokee reservation (I'm half Cherokee)
13. Research my ancestors and build my family tree. Learn about my heritage.
14. Have my own clothing line. I've been drawing neat outfits since high school, just got my first sewing machine this week!
15. Have a successful marriage
16. Have sexy pictures taken of me professionally that I actually like
17. go on a road trip with no predetermined destination
18. Rock Climb
19. Learn another language
20. Go to Mardi Grai
21. Learn how to knit
22. Learn how to dance-proper ballroom dancing...salsa.. not the gyrating crazy dancing.. :P
23. work from home
I'm sure I will have more... this was just all that came to mind while I was listening to the song
Thursday, December 6, 2007
GooGoo Dolls
Could you whisper in my ear
The things you wanna feel
I'll give you anything
To feel it comin'
Do you wake up on your own
And wonder where you are
You live with all your faults
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything at all
So why don't you slide
Yeah we're gonna let it, slide
Don't you love the life you killed
The priest is on the phone
Your father hit the wall
Your ma disowned you
Don't suppose I'll ever know
What it means to be a man
Something I can't change
I'll live around it
And I'll do anything you ever
Dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothing that fall
May put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
May do you wanna get married
Or run away
And I'll do anything you ever
Dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothing that fall
May put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
May do you wanna get married
Or run away
Could you whisper in my ear
The things you wanna feel
I'll give you anything
To feel it comin'
Do you wake up on your own
And wonder where you are
You live with all your faults
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything at all
So why don't you slide
Yeah we're gonna let it, slide
Don't you love the life you killed
The priest is on the phone
Your father hit the wall
Your ma disowned you
Don't suppose I'll ever know
What it means to be a man
Something I can't change
I'll live around it
And I'll do anything you ever
Dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothing that fall
May put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
May do you wanna get married
Or run away
And I'll do anything you ever
Dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothing that fall
May put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
May do you wanna get married
Or run away
How I feel today...
Matchbox Twenty Lyrics
All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on
Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown
And I don't know why
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you cant tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to
Im talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they've all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow Ive lost my mind
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you cant tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Ive been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're taking me away
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you cant tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Yeah, how I used to be
How I used to be
Well, I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be
I'm just a little unwell
All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on
Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown
And I don't know why
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you cant tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to
Im talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they've all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow Ive lost my mind
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you cant tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Ive been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're taking me away
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you cant tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Yeah, how I used to be
How I used to be
Well, I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be
I'm just a little unwell
I'm A Loser-Beatles Lyrics
I'm a loser
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
Of all the love I have won or have lost
there is one love I should never have crossed
She was a girl in a million, my friend
I should have known she would win in the end
I'm a loser
And I lost someone who's near to me
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
Although I laugh and I act like a clown
Beneath this mask I am wearing a frown
My tears are falling like rain from the sky
Is it for her or myself that I cry
I'm a loser
And I lost someone who's near to me
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
What have I done to deserve such a fate
I realize I have left it too late
And so it's true, pride comes before a fall
I'm telling you so that you won't lose all
I'm a loser
And I lost someone who's near to me
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
Of all the love I have won or have lost
there is one love I should never have crossed
She was a girl in a million, my friend
I should have known she would win in the end
I'm a loser
And I lost someone who's near to me
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
Although I laugh and I act like a clown
Beneath this mask I am wearing a frown
My tears are falling like rain from the sky
Is it for her or myself that I cry
I'm a loser
And I lost someone who's near to me
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
What have I done to deserve such a fate
I realize I have left it too late
And so it's true, pride comes before a fall
I'm telling you so that you won't lose all
I'm a loser
And I lost someone who's near to me
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
hmm... no jeff online (my wonderful boyfriend)...tonight.. no one to share the (small sounding) victory with... I will tell his messenger then, and my blog... I threaded my first two bobbins on my brand new sewing machine, AND figured out how to thread the needle! WooHoo!!! I know, I know... but it's a girl thing.. and I figured it out :) I am not very good with stuff like that, and it makes me very happy and satisfied to know that I did it :)
And now it is time to lay down and sleep...
I miss Jeff. He wasn't sounding like his regular self today, and no sight of him on messenger or calls tonight.......... I do hope everything is alright....
Good night all...
And now it is time to lay down and sleep...
I miss Jeff. He wasn't sounding like his regular self today, and no sight of him on messenger or calls tonight.......... I do hope everything is alright....
Good night all...
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