Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pretty Happy, today... *knock on wood*

I have a movie date night with Adam on Thursday! *happy dance*

And, I'm going to have popcorn, and a few boxes of candy. It's going to be a cheesy, wonderful cuddle-filled evening! Woot!

I'm pretty happy today. I worked, and got a third set of piercings in my ears today. Samantha had to do some more training, so I thought I would go ahead and give it a shot. That's all the holes going into my head (or any other part of my body!) that I am doing!

I cleaned my house on Sunday and yesterday, and it looks so good! A clean house makes me very happy, although getting the motivation to actually get it that way escapes me often! I also rearranged my bathroom, bedroom and laundry room. Got rid of more stuff that I never need or even look at. The more junk that I clear out, the happier and more relaxed I am. It's a great feeling! I can actually see the progress I am making now.

Very exciting!

Now, I am very hungry, so I am going to go scrounge up some food and take a nice, relaxing shower and curl up in bed with my puppy and sleep. :)

Have a great night (or day, if that's when you are reading this), my dear readers!

About Me

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Coralville, Iowa, United States