Go Barack! Rock ON!
Okay.. now back to what I was going to say..
Today I had a meeting with my Sales Director for MaryKay and she asked me a few times in the meeting (in different ways) what I wanted from myself and my life. Yes, I have been asked this before..many millions of times..but today I started to really think about it. And I am tired of suppressing what I desire, want, and need without at least discussing it first with those that matter to me and in the goals that I want to establish for my life.
I want this:

Yes, I want a wedding. Not only a beautiful wedding..but a happy marriage. A wedding lasts only one day (or week if you have a honeymoon). But a happy marriage can last a lifetime.
I was engaged once. Almost married a total and complete loser. He wouldn't even let me chose the colors for our wedding. I wanted red and white and silver accents. He said red was NOT a wedding color, and besides it's a whore color. (Excuse me???) And then he said how about yellow, the RIBBON is on sale.. (true story!) And my wedding dress? I had to buy it from a second hand consignment shop, because he said, 'why spend a lot on a dress you'll only wear once?'. Admittedly, it was pretty with puffed sleeves and a princess skirt and lots of shiny beads...but A SECOND HAND wedding dress??? As a matter of fact, here it was, so you can get a visual:
I'll probably blog more about that particular loony individual sometime in the future, enough about him for the moment!
Which brings me to this, I want:

No, not a pretty picture of a heart. I want love. Unconditional, all-consuming LOVE. Is that too hard to ask for?

So, so far I've covered that I want a pretty wedding, a happy marriage, and love... Might all seem the same, but really three different things...
I desire to have at least one child. I don't want to be so old that I can't enjoy them and do everything that I want with them. I know other's children annoy me, but I still want to experience motherhood and raising a little munchkin of my own.
I am currently driving a 2000 Ford Focus, and I hope desperately to have it paid off by the end of winter and be driving something else..maybe like this:

My car is running on it's last legs (wheels?) and won't last much longer, I am afraid.
So, dear reader, I included lots of pretty pictures for you to look at tonight..tell me..what is it that YOU want out of life?
I want true love, happiness, a caring and faithful husband, a happy kid and then more kids when the time comes. Basically just to be happy. I am getting there but that's another story... And of course I want you to be happy with whomever you chose to spend the rest of your life with.
Kudos on not marrying the thrift store guy...nothing wrong with the Salvation Army, but it's not for a wedding...
I hope you get everything you wish for, but take my advice: live and enjoy every second of life before marriage, mortgage and motherhood. You will want what you have now back at some point, so have lots of memory and experience to fall back on.
Well.. I do have a mortgage, but in my name. My house when it's paid for, without the help of a male figure. (So that's something. I'll always have this house if I marry and it doesn't work out.)
Sounds like we want the same things...well the important things. Not so worried about the car and wedding bit. The wedding would be the woman's thing, but I'd certainly support what she wanted.
Hopefully we'll both find what we want...
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