Friday, August 31, 2007

Natural philosophers...

I was thinking yesterday a few hours after my Encounters in Philosophy class. I had a rather interesting observation develop in my mind. This is that children are born philosophers... Think about it. Soon after they learn how to talk, they are constantly asking, "Why?", "How come?", "What's that?". They (sometimes rather) quickly lose that trait, as adults and older people tell them to hush, or 'not now'. Fast forward those same children fifteen or so years, and guess what? Philosophy class is a required course, and they have to learn what came so naturally.

Why do so many people get annoyed by children asking questions? I have seen the irritation over and over again during my years of retail.

and now, my brother came home unexpectedly, and I have lost my train of thought. grrrrrrrrrrrr..... Ah well, I suppose this entry doesn't make much sense anyway...

Th-th-th-that's all folks!

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Coralville, Iowa, United States