Sunday, May 27, 2007
It seemed like it was like any other, with an evening of kissing, cuddling, spending some good quality time together. One thing (among the usual memorable moments) stood out. I was getting ready to meet Jeff, Kirk, and Marsha at their house, (they had been discgolfing, and I took a quick shower after work at Jeff's). Jeff came home for a few minutes to kiss and get me. Here's the memorable part that I love-He took my necklace off (the one he gave me for Christmas, that I wear all the time). Getting down, kneeling, he said that it was now a signal of his promise that I have his love, you know, like a promise ring? So exciting! I knew I had it, but oooohhhh it was soooo sweet and romantic. I love that man with all my heart!
He said that it was a stand-in for future rings, but I don't care about that. The necklace is wonderful. We are hard-up for money, and the important thing is that we have each other. I know he loves me and I love him. That is all that matters. Rings are material, love is eternal.
I just wanted to record that, but I am so sleepy, so I am going to crash now. It's 3:47a.m. and I have to be up no later then 9 to take a shower and get ready for work. Sleep here I come!
I love you jeff!!!!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
And now I can't find my remote so I can quickly get back to where I was. How is this possible? My room is spic and span, and I just saw the stupid things somewhere! It's taken me soooo fucking long to get time to watch the movie like I have been wanting, and I fuck it up!
I'm such a klutzy, forgetful idiot! I'm always losing everything, even when I put it somewhere sensible. *steam is going to start coming out my ears any moment*
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Does this news story show the brewing of trouble for one of the biggest corporations?
Wal-Mart Trimming Second Fashion Line
(May 21) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will trim a second line of women's apparel by the end of this year as it struggles with a growing inventory of ladies wear despite a drive to offer more fashion for price-conscious shoppers.
The world's largest retailer said Monday it will reduce by an undisclosed amount the number the U.S. stores selling a fashion line by designer Mark Eisen, which it unveiled last year as part of a drive to match successful low-price designer labels at rivals like Target Corp.
But a Wal-Mart spokeswoman said the reduction will not be as large as the retailer's rollback of its urban-style Metro 7 line for women, which the company said was pushed too fast into too many stores.
"This is not of the same magnitude," spokeswoman Linda Blakley said. "It is not at all uncommon for adjustments to be made as you roll out a new line."
Metro 7, launched in fall 2005, was quickly pushed into about 1,500 stores before executives decided it was not selling well enough in several markets and decided to cut it back to below 1,000.
The Eisen line, called George ME, is offered in more than 3,000 stores now, Blakely said. It will be in a few less by the end of the year, she said.
"It is performing very well in most stores. There are some stores where we know based on customer response ... that we shouldn't have the ME portion of the line," she said. Other George apparel for women will still be offered in those stores.
Richard Hastings, vice president and senior retail sector analyst at Bernard Sands, said the change was in step with Wal-Mart's announced decision last fall to refocus on basics after a push to attract more affluent customers with trendier clothes and other products.
"You're not going to get someone to think about dressing up for dinner tonight at Cafe Pierre while they're inside a Wal-Mart," Hastings said.
Wal-Mart called the Eisen-designed line "big news" last year when it was introduced for the fall. The sportswear is a sideline of Wal-Mart's in-house George brand.
"And we believe that that is sure to have a broad and lasting appeal for all of our Wal-Mart shoppers," Karen Stuckey, a Wal-Mart ladies wear executive, told an analysts meeting last June.
But as clothing sales remained slow, Chief Executive Lee Scott told analysts in October the retailer had pushed too far, too fast on fashion.
Last week the retailer said its inventory, or stocks of unsold goods, grew faster than targeted in the three months from February through April, in part because apparel was still not selling well enough.
Wal-Mart's inventories rose 10.3 percent in the fiscal first quarter from a year earlier, to $35.2 billion, outpacing sales growth of 8 percent.
Apparel sales remained weak, together with home decor, offsetting stronger sales in areas that have been performing well for Wal-Mart, including home electronics, groceries and $4 generic prescription drugs, the company said last week.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I want a new makeover.....?
My first Yahoo question/answers thing in about six months... If you, the reader, have any suggestions, please feel free to comment!
Here it is:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want a new makeover.....?
What hairstyles do u suggest? What cheap wardrobe additions would be good, last awhile and not go out of fashion tomorrow?
Makeup suggestions, and skin care ideas would also be welcomed!
That is a picture, and there are more
I want to maybe do it this weekend...
11 hours ago
I also am looking for some cute crop tops.. you know the kind that were popular in the late eighties/early nineties? I've seen people wearing them again, and I don't know where they are buying them! If you have any ideas, feel free to help me out with this also! Much appreciated!!
I have a nice tight stomach, and my boyfriend loves my legs and bum, if that helps your suggestions..
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
My head is nodding...
I've been so ditzy and stupid lately. First, forgetting that I didn't do a summer FAFSA, then registering for the summer classes. Took a week for me to realize that no financial aide was coming, wondering when it was going to kick in. I still need to unregister for those classes before the end of the week. I cant afford it without the aide.
I've had the same lock on my locker for the past four months. I go back to my locker at the end of my shift, grab it with my hand, put my fingers around the dial.......and promptly forget the whole combination. Can you say ditz? It took awhile for me to get it open, and I have no idea what numbers finally got it open. I'm still blank... stupid, stupid, stupid....
My mind's eye is centered on something that I am looking forward to immensely. Three years, no more then that, Jeff and I will be getting our own house. In Lincoln. So wonderful to think of, I dont know if I can wait that long! It's very exciting!
Monday, May 21, 2007
I should just curl up under the covers and hide. I hate upsetting him, pissing him off and hurting him. I often do that I am sure... I don't deserve such a wonderful man as himself...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Ah, yes... Yesterday...
Yesterday, our day together started at one o'clock when I showed up at his door. We were going to leave right for Cedar Rapids, but then Kirk called. Jeff and I went to the mall, continued our air hockey war and he took me to Bennegins. Very good dessert, and okay food :) Then we went over to K and M's and we ended up waiting for Marsha to get off work, then the four of us went together to C.R.
We ran our errand downtown, and that is now a worry off my mind. Then we went to a nice course on the other side of town, next to the river. Lots and LOTS of bugs in that one, I swear! Every time I was to throw, a bug decided it wanted to explore my ear or try to fly up my nose. They didnt suceed, but still... Not pleasant in the slightest. But bugs aside, it was a very nice course. I enjoyed it. Somehow, it was 6:00 already, and we stopped by Dairy Queen and had ice cream on the way home. YUM... I do enjoy D.Q's ice cream.
We dropped them back off at home, then dropped the car off at Jeff's apartment. Heading back to the mall, this time walking. For some reason, our cars are cop-magnets. His more so then mine, but mine slowly catching up. Mine's definantly more expensive when the cops do stop me. LOL, Jeff gets warnings and just hassled, I get tickets. Poor baby, they always try to stop him for something or another, and he doesn't do anything to warrant it!! Too bad we cant get them for harassment. Probubary to hard to prove.
He ended up get the jackass movies he has had his eye on, and we did some more air hockey. Heading home, the days activities started really taking their toll on me. I was tired by the time we arrived home once more. Those movies are hilarious!!
We were going to cuddle and things of that sort, but he started to feel very ill. Something he ate that day ended up not agreeing with him, and so I left a bit later... He still isn't feeling well tonight, and that is why I was home this evening and now.
Anyway, thats the recap, and now it is definitely time for me to crash-past time... I am soooo tired...... I hope he is feeling better, and sleeping well as i finish this...
Humans Vs. Nature
My favorite activity right now is disc golfing. Why? A main reason is because it is in nature, with trees and plants left in place and intact. No paving going on there. And it's very enjoyable, and good for exercise and good for the soul to be surrounded by nature, and not by hundreds of other people in a cement structure, music piped through the ceiling and commerce and riffraff all around.
Haven't heard from Josh for a few weeks. Hope he is alive well..and coming home soon. He shouldn't be over seas fighting that nonsense still. None of our troops should be. They should come home where they belong..
Had a wonderful day yesterday with Jeff. Will try to post about it in a bit...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I took a personaility disorder test online... my results below...
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Moderate |
Schizoid: | Moderate |
Schizotypal: | Moderate |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Very High |
Histrionic: | Moderate |
Narcissistic: | Moderate |
Avoidant: | High |
Dependent: | Very High |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | High |
-- Personality Disorder Test -- -- Personality Disorder Information -- |
Personality Disorder Test - Background Information
The Test's Success
The Personality Disorder Test was created many years ago, as nothing more than a curious addition to the web site. It remained obscure for many months until word of mouth started causing thousands of people to take the test to get insight into their personality. Literally millions of people have taken the test at this point; people from all over the world.
To this day, the Personality Disorder Test averages more than 4,000 takers each day. It is the single most requested page under the domain. Links to the test appear on countless blogs and message boards across the internet. Many people paste their results into online profiles. The test ranks highly in Google for "personality disorder", "personality test" and even for specific disorders.
How the Test Works
The Personality Disorder Test is written in a server-side scripting language called Mivascript. The questions were chosen and the results calculated based on the book Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, Second Edition by Ronald J. Comer, Worth Publishers, Inc. 1999. Each disorder has a corresponding variable that is adjusted based on the answers you give. Many of the answers manipulate several variables at once, as the test attempts to narrow down precisely which disorders may apply to you and eliminate the ones that don't. The process has been obsessively tweaked in order to give you the most accurate results possible.
Can the Test Diagnose Me?
Short answer: No. Only a professional can diagnose a personality disorder. This test is intended for entertainment purposes. However, it can serve as a tool to aid you in self-discovery. If, as a result of taking this test, you believe that you might indeed suffer from a disorder, you are encouraged to seek further assistance from a professional in the field of psychiatry. It is not known how many people have sought professional help as a result of taking this test, however it is my hope that it has indeed encouraged people to do so over the years.
About the Creator
The creator of the Personality Disorder Test is twenty-something computer programmer living in New Jersey, USA. He is not a professional in the field of psychiatry.
Friday, May 18, 2007
After fighting internet crashes and sleep...
Here are my results:
Career Area: Sales and Marketing | ||||||||||
Industry Description | ||||||||||
The objective of any firm is to market and sell its products or services profitably. In small firms, the owner or chief executive officer might assume all advertising, promotions, marketing, sales, and public relations responsibilities. In large firms, which may offer numerous products and services nationally or even worldwide, an executive vice president directs overall advertising, promotions, marketing, sales, and public relations policies. Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales managers coordinate the market research, marketing strategy, sales, advertising, promotion, pricing, product development, and public relations activities. | ||||||||||
Sample Job Titles | ||||||||||
Interesting Facts | ||||||
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Employment Outlook | ||||||
Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales manager jobs are highly coveted and will be sought by other managers or highly experienced professionals, resulting in keen competition. In particular, employers will seek those who have the computer skills to conduct advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales activities on the Internet. Employment of advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales managers is expected to increase faster than the average for all occupations through 2014, spurred by intense domestic and global competition in products and services offered to consumers. |
![]() | Career Match #2 of 4 | |||||||
Interesting Facts | ||||||||
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Employment Outlook | ||||||||
Between 2004 and 2014, wage and salary employment in the management services industry is expected to grow by 60 percent, much faster than the 14 percent growth projected for all industries, ranking the industry as the fifth fastest growing industry in the economy. Still, despite the projected growth in the industry, job competition should remain keen because the prestigious and independent nature of the work and the generous salary and benefits attract more jobseekers than openings every year. |
![]() | Career Match #3 of 4 | |||||||
Interesting Facts | ||||||
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Employment Outlook | ||||||
Employment of artists and related workers is expected to grow about as fast as average (14%) for all occupations through the year 2014. However, the competition for jobs is expected to be keen for both salaried and freelance jobs in all specialties, because the number of qualified workers exceeds the number of available openings. Also, because the arts attract many talented people with creative ability, the number of aspiring artists continues to grow. Employers in all industries should be able to choose from among the most qualified candidates. |
![]() | Career Match #4 of 4 | |||||||
Interesting Facts | ||||||
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Employment Outlook | ||||||
Keen competition likely will continue for entry-level communication jobs, as the number of qualified applicants is expected to exceed the number of job openings. Many people are attracted to this profession because of the high profile nature of the work. Opportunities should be best for college graduates who combine a degree in journalism, public relations, advertising, or another communications-related field with a public relations internship or other related work experience. Applicants without the appropriate educational background or work experience will face the toughest obstacles. | ||||||
On another site, I scored as possibly suited for fashion editor (ohlala!), event planner, and public relations.
Out of these possibilities, I automatically have to scratch out management, and public relations. People annoy the hell out of me, so working with them as a main part of my job not the best idea. This does give me more of an idea though, of what other things I can do besides work at Wal-Mart. I don't want to become a 'lifer' and be there in 17 years like my department manager has been. It might be fine and well for her, but not me. I want to be able to make a career out of what I do. Someday maybe have a child or two, but that all depends. Mostly on Jeff. I know he loves being an uncle, but I don't know that he is keen on the idea of having his own little rug rats. I would love to have at least one child. Maybe a girl, a boy... gender wouldn't matter, just as long as he/she was healthy, well, and whole. But I severely digress. At least I got a aptitude test completed so I can set my sights and goals a bit more easily.