My closest friend is over there, again, in the middle of another tour. As I am exhanging emails with him again tonight, I thought I would repost this.... We should keep this in mind, when we want to complain about our long days at work, and other small things...
You stay up for 16 hours
He stays up for days on end.
You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
He goes days or weeks without running water.
You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.
He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.
You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.
He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.
You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.
____________________ ______
You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.
You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.
You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.
You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.
He doesn't get to eat today.
Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.
You go to the mall and get your hair redone.
He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.
You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.
He's told he will be held over an extra 3 months.
You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.
You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.
You roll your eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet
You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.
You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.
You see only what the media wants you to see.
He sees the broken bodies lying around him.
You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't.
He does exactly what he is told even if it puts his life in danger.
You stay at home and watch TV.
He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.
You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.
He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.
Feel free to leave comments of support and thoughts on this entry for him!
Love ya Josh!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Cursed in High School?
Or just had the facts stated to me early?
I wasn't popular in school. Ever. Well, after I moved to the wonderful, loving Clear Creek community I mean. That was in third grade. Before that, I lived in Iowa City, went to Mark Twain Elementary, and was friends with most of the class.
At Clear Creek, however, I was the girl always sitting alone, or tagging onto someone else's table. Or sitting in the youth service's 'hangout', eating lunch while listening to my headphones.
I wonder why the big difference between the schools?
I don't know. I would digress, but that isn't the idea behind this blog, and I am getting very sleepy. (It took me half an hour to find a picture to use in this blog, that somewhat showed what I wanted. Google isn't always great, I'll tell you that. It's very frustrating with it's ability to distract me.)
ANYWAY, before I so rudely interrupted myself.
It was tenth grade. The first few weeks of the the school year to be exact. My so-called 'friend' Nikki and I were in our school's version of Home Ec, writing notes back and forth. She said that I should meet her friend, Jimmy. I had only had one real boyfriend thus far, and she told me that I should date him. I agreed to call him, and see how it went.
Behind my back however, she had arranged with him to play a prank of sorts on me. He only had to 'pretend' to want to date me for a week. He had never met me before, and thought it would be a funny prank. You know, in that cruel, senseless high school sort of way?
Well.. dear reader, how do you think it turned out?
It actually backfired on her a bit. We ended up dating for a whole month or two, FOREVER in high school life. It didn't work, because he had already started drinking. (he was 17 or 18, I don't remember which..) We stayed friends for quite awhile after that.. drifting apart after he graduated high school.
On the other hand, it might have actually hurt me deeper than what it should have. You know why?
Because she told me, the day after we broke up... "You'll never be able to keep a guy for long term, they will leave you for someone else every time. You won't find a guy willing to do anything and everything for you."
I think she was right.
And I haven't talked to her since.
I wasn't popular in school. Ever. Well, after I moved to the wonderful, loving Clear Creek community I mean. That was in third grade. Before that, I lived in Iowa City, went to Mark Twain Elementary, and was friends with most of the class.
At Clear Creek, however, I was the girl always sitting alone, or tagging onto someone else's table. Or sitting in the youth service's 'hangout', eating lunch while listening to my headphones.
I wonder why the big difference between the schools?
I don't know. I would digress, but that isn't the idea behind this blog, and I am getting very sleepy. (It took me half an hour to find a picture to use in this blog, that somewhat showed what I wanted. Google isn't always great, I'll tell you that. It's very frustrating with it's ability to distract me.)
ANYWAY, before I so rudely interrupted myself.
It was tenth grade. The first few weeks of the the school year to be exact. My so-called 'friend' Nikki and I were in our school's version of Home Ec, writing notes back and forth. She said that I should meet her friend, Jimmy. I had only had one real boyfriend thus far, and she told me that I should date him. I agreed to call him, and see how it went.
Behind my back however, she had arranged with him to play a prank of sorts on me. He only had to 'pretend' to want to date me for a week. He had never met me before, and thought it would be a funny prank. You know, in that cruel, senseless high school sort of way?
Well.. dear reader, how do you think it turned out?
It actually backfired on her a bit. We ended up dating for a whole month or two, FOREVER in high school life. It didn't work, because he had already started drinking. (he was 17 or 18, I don't remember which..) We stayed friends for quite awhile after that.. drifting apart after he graduated high school.
On the other hand, it might have actually hurt me deeper than what it should have. You know why?
Because she told me, the day after we broke up... "You'll never be able to keep a guy for long term, they will leave you for someone else every time. You won't find a guy willing to do anything and everything for you."
I think she was right.
And I haven't talked to her since.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Last Resort-Papa Roach
(sorry for the audio quality, but it's the only copy on youtube I could find that wasn't 'Embedding disabled by request'.)
I guess I called it...
When I posted those song lyrics a few days ago, under the blog title: 'Self-Explanatory', huh?
Finished, kaput...I failed
It's over with Jeff He just called me and finished it. I feel like my heart is ripped out, I just tried to have a 'normal' conversation with him after that. I couldn't do it. The tears just kept coming, and when I get upset my lungs want to stop pulling in air. But I don't show it.. so it hurts all around. Physically, emotionally, mentally...
I've failed in being a decent, worthy girlfriend to the man that I love.
I mean, I knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier. I failed at being the loving, supportive girlfriend that I needed to be. Not to mention how much I love him.
I've failed in being a decent, worthy girlfriend to the man that I love.
I mean, I knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier. I failed at being the loving, supportive girlfriend that I needed to be. Not to mention how much I love him.
What the...?!?!?!
I have to ask, why are the majority of guys that I hear about or meet looney-tunes?
Kimmy and I are magnets for this sort of guy..
Last week, I decided to start making sure to walk the puppy around the lake at least five times a week, and exercise more. Monday, things went smoothly... we went for one lap around the lake, and both of us were really tired by the time we got back. But, that's expected.. I'm out of shape, and the puppy's not used to long walks.
Tuesday is when this looney-tune introduced himself. I was walking Cloudy next to the pavilion, when this guy said he just HAD to introduce himself. I didn't see what was so pressing.. I still only have eyes for Jeff. I was taking a walk by myself to think about things, and have some time for myself.
So, okay.. I talk to him for a few minutes, and then excuse myself so I could continue. No harm in giving him my messenger, I thought.. I mean I need more friends, even if I'm not the least bit interested in any guy from the dating perspective.
For the next week, he keeps appearing next to the lake.. and I get a glimpse of why he doesn't have a girlfriend. HE'S TOO FLIPPING NEEDY!!! AND DESPERATE!!
The last time he met me around the lake was Monday night. He pointed out where he lived (right on the bike path almost), in his brother's basement. Then, he was upset when AGAIN I told him I wasn't interested in ANYONE else right now but Jeff. This is what he said,: "Why aren't any girls ever interested in me? What's wrong with me? I used to be so good with them! Why don't they like me?"
So, I excused myself just as quickly as possible. Then, last night.. a dozen messages from him on messager, upset because I wasn't conversing back with him. And don't plan on it this century!
I think that's one dude that will be single for awhile to come.
By the way, dear reader, my exercising is going well. :) We have now graduated to one and a half trips around the lake, and niether the puppy or I are as out of breath and slow as when we first started!
I'm also doing crunches whenever I remember, because I see the beginnings of a tummy.. and THAT'S NOT HAPPENING for this chick!! I like my bum and my stomach just the way they are, thank you very much!!
Kimmy and I are magnets for this sort of guy..
Last week, I decided to start making sure to walk the puppy around the lake at least five times a week, and exercise more. Monday, things went smoothly... we went for one lap around the lake, and both of us were really tired by the time we got back. But, that's expected.. I'm out of shape, and the puppy's not used to long walks.
Tuesday is when this looney-tune introduced himself. I was walking Cloudy next to the pavilion, when this guy said he just HAD to introduce himself. I didn't see what was so pressing.. I still only have eyes for Jeff. I was taking a walk by myself to think about things, and have some time for myself.
So, okay.. I talk to him for a few minutes, and then excuse myself so I could continue. No harm in giving him my messenger, I thought.. I mean I need more friends, even if I'm not the least bit interested in any guy from the dating perspective.
For the next week, he keeps appearing next to the lake.. and I get a glimpse of why he doesn't have a girlfriend. HE'S TOO FLIPPING NEEDY!!! AND DESPERATE!!
The last time he met me around the lake was Monday night. He pointed out where he lived (right on the bike path almost), in his brother's basement. Then, he was upset when AGAIN I told him I wasn't interested in ANYONE else right now but Jeff. This is what he said,: "Why aren't any girls ever interested in me? What's wrong with me? I used to be so good with them! Why don't they like me?"
So, I excused myself just as quickly as possible. Then, last night.. a dozen messages from him on messager, upset because I wasn't conversing back with him. And don't plan on it this century!
I think that's one dude that will be single for awhile to come.
By the way, dear reader, my exercising is going well. :) We have now graduated to one and a half trips around the lake, and niether the puppy or I are as out of breath and slow as when we first started!
I'm also doing crunches whenever I remember, because I see the beginnings of a tummy.. and THAT'S NOT HAPPENING for this chick!! I like my bum and my stomach just the way they are, thank you very much!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
MEN!!!!!!!!!!! *insert scream here* Part Two
Okay. So, I've been trying to figure out just what the heck(stupid NSFW), is going on with him.
(Yes, I made two parts.. just because one looooooonnnnnnnnngggg entry would be TOO much for some people!)
So.. I turned to the mummer's of fubar-land. For those of you not familiar with, those are the members that spend their days in the mumm portion of the site. MUMM's are where people ask questions, and the mummer's give their ideas and input. (Not always productive input, but input none-the-less.)
Here was my MUMM:
"To put a long story short":
My boyfriend had to move back home to his mother's house in Nebraska right before my birthday last year. This was due to consequences he caused by some unsavory actions.
Steadily since then, he's been talking to me less and less. He's also been delaying visits, and making me feel like an inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless, unloving girlfriend by twisting my actions, making them sound horrible and repeating them back at me. Mind you, I've been by him through all of the turmoil of the last year and a half. (There's more, but if you want the details just comment below and ask.)
Lately(last couple of months), he's been such an ass to me. I had a guy I know tell me this just a few minutes ago:
"If your BF is being an ass, he's boning someone else. He wants you to break up with him so he doesnt feel guilty."
How often does this turn out to be true? I've only been in an couple of long term relationships, so I don't have that much experience with this sort of thing. Please Help!
Okay, so the options that I gave were: A)Yay, often how it goes and B)Not usually.
My dear reader, how do YOU think this poll turned out? A whopping 65 VOTES say A and only 10 votes for B.
I do want to clarify that he has never cheated on me before, too much of a conscience . However, I also know that he is a physical kind of guy, and has chicks hitting on him a lot more than he realizes. (Even times that I've been with him, he's gotten appreciative looks and stares.) This time apart would be hard on anyone.. so I don't know what to really think.
It's been ten days..with no contact from him. He's messaged my best friend, kimmy, once to ask if I've talked about him, but then immediately got offline when she tried to talk to him about it.
What do YOU think I should do?
(Yes, I made two parts.. just because one looooooonnnnnnnnngggg entry would be TOO much for some people!)
So.. I turned to the mummer's of fubar-land. For those of you not familiar with, those are the members that spend their days in the mumm portion of the site. MUMM's are where people ask questions, and the mummer's give their ideas and input. (Not always productive input, but input none-the-less.)
Here was my MUMM:
"To put a long story short":
My boyfriend had to move back home to his mother's house in Nebraska right before my birthday last year. This was due to consequences he caused by some unsavory actions.
Steadily since then, he's been talking to me less and less. He's also been delaying visits, and making me feel like an inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless, unloving girlfriend by twisting my actions, making them sound horrible and repeating them back at me. Mind you, I've been by him through all of the turmoil of the last year and a half. (There's more, but if you want the details just comment below and ask.)
Lately(last couple of months), he's been such an ass to me. I had a guy I know tell me this just a few minutes ago:
"If your BF is being an ass, he's boning someone else. He wants you to break up with him so he doesnt feel guilty."
How often does this turn out to be true? I've only been in an couple of long term relationships, so I don't have that much experience with this sort of thing. Please Help!
Okay, so the options that I gave were: A)Yay, often how it goes and B)Not usually.
My dear reader, how do YOU think this poll turned out? A whopping 65 VOTES say A and only 10 votes for B.
I do want to clarify that he has never cheated on me before, too much of a conscience . However, I also know that he is a physical kind of guy, and has chicks hitting on him a lot more than he realizes. (Even times that I've been with him, he's gotten appreciative looks and stares.) This time apart would be hard on anyone.. so I don't know what to really think.
It's been ten days..with no contact from him. He's messaged my best friend, kimmy, once to ask if I've talked about him, but then immediately got offline when she tried to talk to him about it.
What do YOU think I should do?
MEN!!!!!!!!!!! *insert scream here* Part One
So it's been a week and a half since I've talked to him. You know, that guy that I've been dating for almost three years?
We got into a huge fight (via messenger, how lame), and I called him a jackass. Yes, me. But, I'm not going to apologize. Because he has been one. I don't know at what point things started going downhill for us...... wait. Let me answer that again.
Yes, I know when things started going downhill for us, putting us at the downward spiral we are in. When he moved back home to his mother's, six days before my birthday last year. (Lots of down there, huh?)
All I want, is a man that is head over heels in love with me, that will do anything to make sure we can be together. Mainly, I am expecting the man to be willing to do what he wants me to do. Jeff is everything and more, but he won't do what he expects me to do.
What am I talking about? He expects me to move to another state, leaving my puppy/friends/family/work/possessions behind and live with him in his mother's dark basement (with small windows and no outside door).
However, I am in the process of buying this house with my family, and it will ultimately become mine. Yes, I live in the basement. BUT, I have sliding doors to the outside, big windows, and live in town.
And my puppy. And my family, work and friends.
So anyway... back to me, the loving girlfriend, calling my knight in shining armor a jackass. (Which, I don't see the reason to apologize for. AND neither do either one of my best friends). I called him that because he only answers with one word answers on the phone (or did, when we were talking), and was moody ALL the time when we talked. So I stopped taking his calls as often, even though I love talking to him. So, he says, "Why should I invest in the relationship, when you don't?"
In which I replied, "I want to talk to the man I fell in love with, not the Jackass that took his place."
The final words I have seen from him in a week and a half, " Well, when I see him, I'll let him know." Then: 'Jeff has signed off'.
What do you think of all this craziness, dear reader?
We got into a huge fight (via messenger, how lame), and I called him a jackass. Yes, me. But, I'm not going to apologize. Because he has been one. I don't know at what point things started going downhill for us...... wait. Let me answer that again.
Yes, I know when things started going downhill for us, putting us at the downward spiral we are in. When he moved back home to his mother's, six days before my birthday last year. (Lots of down there, huh?)
All I want, is a man that is head over heels in love with me, that will do anything to make sure we can be together. Mainly, I am expecting the man to be willing to do what he wants me to do. Jeff is everything and more, but he won't do what he expects me to do.
What am I talking about? He expects me to move to another state, leaving my puppy/friends/family/work/possessions behind and live with him in his mother's dark basement (with small windows and no outside door).
However, I am in the process of buying this house with my family, and it will ultimately become mine. Yes, I live in the basement. BUT, I have sliding doors to the outside, big windows, and live in town.
And my puppy. And my family, work and friends.
So anyway... back to me, the loving girlfriend, calling my knight in shining armor a jackass. (Which, I don't see the reason to apologize for. AND neither do either one of my best friends). I called him that because he only answers with one word answers on the phone (or did, when we were talking), and was moody ALL the time when we talked. So I stopped taking his calls as often, even though I love talking to him. So, he says, "Why should I invest in the relationship, when you don't?"
In which I replied, "I want to talk to the man I fell in love with, not the Jackass that took his place."
The final words I have seen from him in a week and a half, " Well, when I see him, I'll let him know." Then: 'Jeff has signed off'.
What do you think of all this craziness, dear reader?
It should be self explanatory who this particular blog entry is for...
'Speechless' song lyrics
Everybody wonders and some people know
I guess that I'm some people 'cause baby it shows
When will you do it? And why will you go?
If you've already decided then deliver the blow
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
You act so speechless. You've got nothing to say.
The way you walk around me. The way you're talking to me.
Makes me wonder. If this was only play.
And I wonder will you still love me?
Do you still love me, like you did before.
Said come on baby you think I'm so blind
I see what you're doing behind my back all the time
I get suspicious when you call me someone else's name
You think I don't notice that nothing's the same...anymore
[Repeat Chorus]
And I wonder will you still love me?
Did you ever love me, or were you playing with me before
Ohh baby you think I'm so blind
Ohh baby I'm not playing around this time
[Repeat Chorus]
And I wonder will you still love me?
Did you ever love me, or are you showing me the door
Ohh baby you think I'm so blind
Ohh baby I'm not playing around this time
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
'Speechless' song lyrics
Everybody wonders and some people know
I guess that I'm some people 'cause baby it shows
When will you do it? And why will you go?
If you've already decided then deliver the blow
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
You act so speechless. You've got nothing to say.
The way you walk around me. The way you're talking to me.
Makes me wonder. If this was only play.
And I wonder will you still love me?
Do you still love me, like you did before.
Said come on baby you think I'm so blind
I see what you're doing behind my back all the time
I get suspicious when you call me someone else's name
You think I don't notice that nothing's the same...anymore
[Repeat Chorus]
And I wonder will you still love me?
Did you ever love me, or were you playing with me before
Ohh baby you think I'm so blind
Ohh baby I'm not playing around this time
[Repeat Chorus]
And I wonder will you still love me?
Did you ever love me, or are you showing me the door
Ohh baby you think I'm so blind
Ohh baby I'm not playing around this time
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
The way you walk around me. The way you talk around me.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Ladies, does this describe it?
I am taking a break from horror novels to catch up on my romance reading, you know, usual 'fluff' books to some.
Anyway, I am reading a book by Alexa Darin called 'Good With His Hands'. The main character, Pepper, is fed up with getting the lousy guys(who happen to all be the average lower middle class guy). So she sets up an ad online at the persistence of her best friend. The catch is one major requirement that the respondent must fit. No blue collar guys need apply.
I am at the point in the book where she has gone on a few dates with a guy called Jake Hunter, about halfway through the book.
The passage that I want opinions on is this (page 80):
"....Getting to know him, having him treat her like a princess...Of course, that's how it always started. Guys had the first couple of weeks down pat. Wining and dining and dancing and romancing....It made a girl feel like she was on top of the world. Then, suddenly, an earthquake or a landslide or something equally disastrous would happen and all the good stuff turned into sitting in front of the TV and going to fast food joints and sex, sex, sex....Guys didn't get it. If they wanted to continue having sex, sex, sex, then they needed to keep up the romance, romance, romance...."
The only difference that I've seen between the passage and my relationships is the time frame. It lasts longer than a few weeks, but seems to fade off at some point. So, what do you, dear reader, think?
Anyway, I am reading a book by Alexa Darin called 'Good With His Hands'. The main character, Pepper, is fed up with getting the lousy guys(who happen to all be the average lower middle class guy). So she sets up an ad online at the persistence of her best friend. The catch is one major requirement that the respondent must fit. No blue collar guys need apply.
I am at the point in the book where she has gone on a few dates with a guy called Jake Hunter, about halfway through the book.
The passage that I want opinions on is this (page 80):
"....Getting to know him, having him treat her like a princess...Of course, that's how it always started. Guys had the first couple of weeks down pat. Wining and dining and dancing and romancing....It made a girl feel like she was on top of the world. Then, suddenly, an earthquake or a landslide or something equally disastrous would happen and all the good stuff turned into sitting in front of the TV and going to fast food joints and sex, sex, sex....Guys didn't get it. If they wanted to continue having sex, sex, sex, then they needed to keep up the romance, romance, romance...."
The only difference that I've seen between the passage and my relationships is the time frame. It lasts longer than a few weeks, but seems to fade off at some point. So, what do you, dear reader, think?
Big things going on...
I'm not for sure if they are for the better or worse, but I'll have to blog about them at some point. Hopefully, I will feel like doing that tonight. Meanwhile.. enjoy my most recent music post..
(If you haven't guessed yet, dear reader, I express myself best with music. Too bad I can't sing worth a darn!)
(If you haven't guessed yet, dear reader, I express myself best with music. Too bad I can't sing worth a darn!)
I was listening to my favorite evening radio program about a week ago, (Lia on KHAK, 98.1) and a woman actually left her husband with this song by the sounds of it! She said something to the effect of: "My husband and I love your show, and I know he's listening right now. So I want to dedicate this song to him, I think it is self-explanatory."
(Best if you read the lyrics first, before watching the video, in my opinion! I would've posted the audio, but I couldn't get to do it for me! If any of my dear readers finds it somewhere that I can link to, let me know!!!!)
Toby Keith
It’s a little too late
I’m a little too gone,
A little too tired of this hangin’ on
So I’m letting go while I’m still strong enough to
It’s got a little too sad
I’m a little too blue
It’s a little too bad
You were too good to be true
I’m big time over you baby
It’s a little too late
No I don’t want to want to talk about what we can do about us anymore
Only time you and me wastin’ is the time it takes to walk right out that door
Yeah talk about water under the bridge,
You should know by now girl that’s all this is
It’s a little too late,
I’m a little too gone,
A little too tired of just hangin’ on
I’m letting go while I’m still strong enough to
It’s got a little too sad,
I’m a little too blue
It’s a little too bad
You were too good to be true
I’m big time over you baby
It’s a little too late
There was a time,
this heart of mine,
would take you back every time
don’t you know
It’s been two packs of cigaretts
a sleepless night
a nervous wreck, a day ago.
Now you ain’t got no business coming around
I’m closing up shop
Shuttin’ us down
It’s a little too late,
I’m a little too gone,
A little too tired of just hangin’ on
I’m letting go while I’m still strong enough to
It’s got a little too sad,
I’m a little too blue
It’s a little too bad
You were too good to be true
I’m big time over you baby
It’s a little too late
I’m big time over you baby,
It’s a little too late
and now for the video!!! Enjoy and leave love :)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A few videos for Kimmy and any other woman that needs a perk :P
Shania Twain
Any Man of Mine
This is what a woman wants...
Any man of mine better be proud of me
Even when I'm ugly he still better love me
And I can be late for a date that's fine
But he better be on time
Any man of mine'll say it fits just right
When last year's dress is just a little too tight
And anything I do or say better be okay
When I have a bad hair day
And if I change my mind
A million times
I wanna hear him say
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah I like that way
Any man of mine better walk the line
Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time
I need a man who knows, how the story goes
He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'
Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind
Any man of mine
Well any man of mine better disagree
When I say another woman's lookin' better than me
And when I cook him dinner and I burn it black
He better say, mmm, I like it like that yeah
And if I change my mind
A million times
I wanna hear him say
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I like it that way
(Repeat Chorus)
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah I like it that way
(Repeat Chorus)
You gotta shimmy shake
Make the earth quake
Kick, turn, stomp, stomp, then you jump
Heel to toe, Do Si Do
'Til your feet And your backache
Keep it movin' `till you just can't take anymore
Come on everybody on the floor
A-one two, a three four
Hup two, hup
If you wanna be a man of mine, that's right
This is what a woman wants...
Mindy McCready
Guys Do It All The Time
Got in this morning at 4 AM
Your as mad as you can be
Well I was drinking and talking
And you know how that goes
Time just slipped away from me
By the time I knew what time it was
It was to late to call home
Stop carrying on and acting like a child
I wasn't doing anything wrong
Guys do it all the time
And you expect us to understand
When the shoe's on the other foot
You know that's when it hits the fan
Get over it honey life's a two way street
Or you won't be a man of mine
So I had some beers with the girls last night
Guys do it all the time
I know I left my clothes all over the place
And I took your twenty bucks
No I didn't get the front yard cut
Cause I had to wash my truck
Will you bring me a cold one baby
Turn on the TV
We'll talk about this later
There's a ballgame I wanna see
Guys do it all the time
And you expect us to understand
When the shoe's on the other foot
You know that's when it hits the fan
Get over it honey life's a two way street
Or you won't be a man of mine
So I had some beers with the girls last night
Guys do it all the time
You look like you just took
A long look in the mirror
Tell me baby if things don't look
A whole lot clearer, ooh
Get over it honey life's a two way street
Or you won't be a man of mine
So I had some beers with the girls last night
Guys do it all the time
Yeah guys do it
Yeah guys do it
All the time, all the time
Yeah guys do it
Yeah guys do it
All the time
And some eye candy (and southern drawal) for Kimmy....
Trace Adkins
Ladies Love Country Boys
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I surfed across this picture...
and I really liked it.. I can't put any words to why, or why I feel like it speaks to me..

found it here:

A word that I never like hearing...
Yeah, that word hold has as much of my listening desire as a vegetarian has of eating meat.

Just a word to the wise, if I haven't told you lately, dear reader. I do NOT like surprises.
Anything that someone may try to do as a surprise will not be liked. It doesn't matter if I love the act, I will despise it because it came in wrapped in the guise of a surprise.
Just thought I would mention it...since I hadn't for awhile.. just in time (before my birthday)to squelch any ideas that might be coming from ANYONE I know...
Monday, July 7, 2008
hmmmm...i gotta make a birthday list...
but I don't know what to write down. I'm not that much into materialisitc things anymore...I've been purging out my house of un-needed stuff. I don't want to hamper the past year's worth of effort by bringing in more junk.
There's bunches and bunches of CD's that I would love to have... but I don't want to put them on the list, because I buy 'Used'. It's much cheaper, and FYE gives you a 100% money back guarantee if it is scratched or won't play.
I need clothes..but other people can't pick those out for me, because I am picky. Plus each brand fits differently.
Hmmmm.......what to write??? must think some more... There's a rule in my family that you have to have your ideas/list to the rest of the family a month in advance lol... So I better get thinking...
There's bunches and bunches of CD's that I would love to have... but I don't want to put them on the list, because I buy 'Used'. It's much cheaper, and FYE gives you a 100% money back guarantee if it is scratched or won't play.
I need clothes..but other people can't pick those out for me, because I am picky. Plus each brand fits differently.
Hmmmm.......what to write??? must think some more... There's a rule in my family that you have to have your ideas/list to the rest of the family a month in advance lol... So I better get thinking...
I haven't blogged in FOREVER it seems like.
So, just to let you know, dear reader... (if you are still hanging around, that is..) I am still alive and kicking.
I just found out about a concert that I would love to go to...and I even have the frickin' day off... but I know I won't be able to.

Taylor Swift, In Concert, Cedar Rapids on August 8th, 2008!! The day after my birthday!!! :(
She sings a lot of good songs, country of course, but hey it's my taste. Not yours, so :P
So, just to let you know, dear reader... (if you are still hanging around, that is..) I am still alive and kicking.
I just found out about a concert that I would love to go to...and I even have the frickin' day off... but I know I won't be able to.

Taylor Swift, In Concert, Cedar Rapids on August 8th, 2008!! The day after my birthday!!! :(
She sings a lot of good songs, country of course, but hey it's my taste. Not yours, so :P
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