Thursday, August 14, 2008


I know what I want, and what I desire in the deepest reaches of my heart. However, at the present time, I have no clue if it is at all attainable.

I know, if I had an eight ball and shook it.. it would say 'Ask again later'.

It's very frustrating how timing in my life is working right now.... but I guess if it is meant to be, it will work itself out, right?


Anonymous said...

To put it as best as possible. Don't worry about what you want. It will come when you have eyes to see it. The way to get those eyes? Well, if I tell you, you might not want to hear it.

You will do just fine. Enjoy what you have going for your. It might not last. Things don't always do. But, you had it, so savor it. This way you know it the next time it comes around.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem... I haven't had the chance to quite 'have it'....timing's off... But I do savor the degree to what I have it right now...

Anonymous said...

Nothing ever seems to work itself out conveniently time wise. We really have to work at it, but that's makes attaining it that much sweeter. I have no doubts you'll get what it is you want hun, because you're a good person and you always seem to put others first. If there is one thing I believe in, it's karma.

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Coralville, Iowa, United States