Sunday, August 17, 2008

Three Things...

Okay, so I was reading the latest 'Redbook' magazine, and came across a article with journal writing suggestions that can make you feel better and happier.

Yeah, yeah... corny...I know that's what you are thinking!

ANYWAY, one of the suggestions was to write down three things that made you happy or smile within the course of the day.

Sooo.. without further three things for the day.

The first thing that I immediately thought of.. even though it doesn't sound very nice of me...was the fact that I got to be blunt with lots of customers today, and didn't have to worry about pissing them off. WOOHOO..

This is because we've been so understaffed and overworked that we have all about reached our capacity for dealing with floods of customers with smiles on our faces while they complain about the lines and about the lack of service in the store. Today, we all just took an attitude that we are doing the best we can with the resources we have. If people can't see that, or have problems with us... well, we can't do anything more than what we are doing.


Today the store looked like that picture floating around the internet of the Wal-Mart in New Orleans that got ransacked during the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. (Which I just spent twenty minutes trying to find again, and it eludes me. Any other day, I see it at least once!! Go figure!) The departments were ALL trashed, the service desk was overflowing with returns, there were at least a few empty shelves in every aisle.. It's going to take all week just to get it cleaned up and stocked once more, let alone the regular things we have to do every day!

...........enough of that.. my number one item that made me smile was that I didn't have to sugarcoat and kiss up to the customers today. Rock on.

Now, for the second back didn't hurt nearly as much as it had been during the course of last week. I think it's because of my new habit of sleeping on an ice-pack.. I checked all day yesterday, and all day today, and it only hurts a bit. *knock on wood*.

Now.. for a third thing... OOOOOOHHHH yeah... I know!! I managed to arrive at work two minutes early!

......I can just picture you, dear reader, sitting there dumbstruck as you read that last sentence. 'Two minutes early?', you think to yourself, 'That's what she's so freakin' excited about?!?'.

But you don't understand! I usually am closer to 20 minutes LATE.. I don't have a good concept of actual time. Yes, I know how to read a clock.. but to me.. five minutes may seem a lot longer or shorter than to the average person. Time is a funny thing, you know...

So, there you have it dear readers. My three things for the day.
1.) Not having to sugarcoat and be forcefully polite to screaming, irate people that seem to think they can be rude as all get out to us and get away with it.

2.) My back doesn't hurt as badly as it has been, (again, knock on wood).

3.) I was on time for work, FOR ONCE! Yeah, me!

In the words of my all-time favorite activist and musician..."Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry."

Oh yeah, leave some comments and love as well :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol...well it is always a good thing to focus on the positive. We tend to lose sight of it too easily, making the negative seem more dire than it actually is.

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Coralville, Iowa, United States