Monday, August 18, 2008


♥A is for age:

♥B is for beverage of choice:
Sweet Ice Tea

♥C is for career right now:
Administrative Assistant in Training :P (start classes on Tuesday, YEAH!!)

♥D is for your dog's name:
Cloudy... unless she's being a really bad puppy.. then it's 'Princess Leona Cloud' at the top of my lungs lol

♥E is for essential item you use everyday:
umm...bath towels?

♥F is for favorite TV channel:
Nick At Nite

♥G is for favorite game to watch:

♥H is for Hometown:
Iowa City, Iowa

♥ I is for instruments you play:
I used to play flute in elementary.. and Josh' dad tried teaching me how to play guitar a long time ago.. I wish I knew how to do that!

♥J is for favorite juice:
Pink lemonade

♥K is for whose butt you'd like to be kickin:
Hmm.. I don't know right off hand!

♥L is for last place you ate at:
Right here in front of my computer.. a few Wheat Thins and some Arizona Tea. Last regular food was in the break room at work.

♥M is for marriage:
Someday, definately!! (Well, I hope anyway!)

♥N is for your full name:
Seana Kay Pierce

♥O is for overnight hospital stay:
Umm....when i was born??? *knock on wood*

♥P is for people you were with today:
I believe this would be the ENTIRE city of Coralville and half of Iowa City lol; and then my mom after work.

♥Q is for a quote:
"Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry."--John Lennon... I used it in my blog tonight, and it's one of my favorite quotes for some reason! I think it's hilarious, but can't quite put my finger on why....

♥R is for Biggest Regret:
I can't change anything in the past, so why think about it?

♥S is for relationship status:

♥T is for time you woke up today:
um.... 8:30 or so?

♥U is for underwear you have on now:
lacey panties

♥V is for vegetable you love:
ooohhh broccoli (with cheese!)

♥W is for worst habits:
taking really long showers, and running late ALL the time!

♥X is for x-rays you've had:

♥Y is for something yummy you ate today:
ooohhh those Reeses' mousse bars or whatever they're called.. oh, and chocolate creme pie!

♥Z is for zodiac sign:

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Coralville, Iowa, United States