Monday, July 7, 2008

hmmmm...i gotta make a birthday list...

but I don't know what to write down. I'm not that much into materialisitc things anymore...I've been purging out my house of un-needed stuff. I don't want to hamper the past year's worth of effort by bringing in more junk.

There's bunches and bunches of CD's that I would love to have... but I don't want to put them on the list, because I buy 'Used'. It's much cheaper, and FYE gives you a 100% money back guarantee if it is scratched or won't play.

I need clothes..but other people can't pick those out for me, because I am picky. Plus each brand fits differently.

Hmmmm.......what to write??? must think some more... There's a rule in my family that you have to have your ideas/list to the rest of the family a month in advance lol... So I better get thinking...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My birthday wish for you - is long life, happiness...and good health.
That concludes my shopping list!


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Coralville, Iowa, United States