Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ladies, does this describe it?

I am taking a break from horror novels to catch up on my romance reading, you know, usual 'fluff' books to some.

Anyway, I am reading a book by Alexa Darin called 'Good With His Hands'. The main character, Pepper, is fed up with getting the lousy guys(who happen to all be the average lower middle class guy). So she sets up an ad online at the persistence of her best friend. The catch is one major requirement that the respondent must fit. No blue collar guys need apply.

I am at the point in the book where she has gone on a few dates with a guy called Jake Hunter, about halfway through the book.

The passage that I want opinions on is this (page 80):

"....Getting to know him, having him treat her like a princess...Of course, that's how it always started. Guys had the first couple of weeks down pat. Wining and dining and dancing and romancing....It made a girl feel like she was on top of the world. Then, suddenly, an earthquake or a landslide or something equally disastrous would happen and all the good stuff turned into sitting in front of the TV and going to fast food joints and sex, sex, sex....Guys didn't get it. If they wanted to continue having sex, sex, sex, then they needed to keep up the romance, romance, romance...."

The only difference that I've seen between the passage and my relationships is the time frame. It lasts longer than a few weeks, but seems to fade off at some point. So, what do you, dear reader, think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately people get comfortable and take certain things for granted. They forget every day should be like the first day. We're all guilty of it.

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Coralville, Iowa, United States