Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cursed in High School?

Or just had the facts stated to me early?

I wasn't popular in school. Ever. Well, after I moved to the wonderful, loving Clear Creek community I mean. That was in third grade. Before that, I lived in Iowa City, went to Mark Twain Elementary, and was friends with most of the class.

At Clear Creek, however, I was the girl always sitting alone, or tagging onto someone else's table. Or sitting in the youth service's 'hangout', eating lunch while listening to my headphones.

I wonder why the big difference between the schools?

I don't know. I would digress, but that isn't the idea behind this blog, and I am getting very sleepy. (It took me half an hour to find a picture to use in this blog, that somewhat showed what I wanted. Google isn't always great, I'll tell you that. It's very frustrating with it's ability to distract me.)

ANYWAY, before I so rudely interrupted myself.

It was tenth grade. The first few weeks of the the school year to be exact. My so-called 'friend' Nikki and I were in our school's version of Home Ec, writing notes back and forth. She said that I should meet her friend, Jimmy. I had only had one real boyfriend thus far, and she told me that I should date him. I agreed to call him, and see how it went.

Behind my back however, she had arranged with him to play a prank of sorts on me. He only had to 'pretend' to want to date me for a week. He had never met me before, and thought it would be a funny prank. You know, in that cruel, senseless high school sort of way?

Well.. dear reader, how do you think it turned out?

It actually backfired on her a bit. We ended up dating for a whole month or two, FOREVER in high school life. It didn't work, because he had already started drinking. (he was 17 or 18, I don't remember which..) We stayed friends for quite awhile after that.. drifting apart after he graduated high school.

On the other hand, it might have actually hurt me deeper than what it should have. You know why?

Because she told me, the day after we broke up... "You'll never be able to keep a guy for long term, they will leave you for someone else every time. You won't find a guy willing to do anything and everything for you."

I think she was right.

And I haven't talked to her since.


Anonymous said...

dang girl, if it was cursed in high school, that is harsh on yourself when i read it, you know and i know that that stuff is not true and if you believe her for a minute....sorry to say you are lost and you are not the person i knew, come on, you are beautiful, loving caring, just cause some guy ends it does not mean there is no one else for you, STOP THAT

Philemon said...

You're being a little too hard on yourself hun. I was the same way in school, the kid always quiet, always on their own. I hear a lot of people say that high school years are the best years of your life. They either have short memories or were the jerks making everyone else miserable and thinking they were special because of it.

As for the relationship thing, well, right off the bat you proved that girl wrong by actually having a guy that wasn't interested actually fall for you for awhile. And it sounds like the breakup was something that was beyond either of your control and had to do with his addictions.

As for what she said...well, I wouldn't take the predictions of a jealous immature idiot (i will refrain from using the word I REALLY want to use to describe her) to heart. That was her lashing out. You have a lot to offer...don't forget that. :)

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Coralville, Iowa, United States