Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I apologize to everyone who reads (or did!) my blog..

Man, I have really been sucking on the blogging this year! Jeezus--ONLY sixteen posts in this whole year????

I do have plenty to say, that's for sure! So, I am making a mid-year resolution! I am going to try to blog a LOT more, but with limited, uninterrupted access to my computer.. I am going to try for 2-3 times a week. But, don't fret--I printed off a bunch of pretty paper to write in way more often than that. And I will try to spend the couple of times a week that I get uninterrupted transferring the entries from paper to blog...

I have a lot to do tonight, but hopefully you will have a lot more to read from me in the future dear readers!

'Til we meet again!
Your slacking blog host

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Coralville, Iowa, United States