Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a nasty business it is..

I know there is one major topic buzzing in America right now, with less than one month left until it's conclusion. I usually try to write about everything and anything that I think of, and that I have an opinion about. This one I have remained mumm about, however.

It's a nasty word, and a nasty business.


Dear reader, unless hell freezes over, or pigs start flying with red capes, you won't find another entry concerning it in my blogs besides this brief one.

Barack Vs. McCain.

McCain Vs. Barack.

Round and round it goes, I am sure you have experienced this lately: In your work's break room, at school, at home. With friends, family, or neighbors.. if you prefer one and someone else prefers another, it turns into an offensive craziness rather soon into the debate.

Calm, rational discussion evades most minds rather quickly with the subject of the election or politics in general. People are set on who they will vote for, and will throw statement after statement at you, not giving you much time to think and formulate rapid-fire responses.

This is where I have an issue. I could (could, not will) tell you who I will vote for on November 4th, but in real-time conversation, I cannot remember facts, dates, and reasons why exactly. My mind is not built for that sort of thing, and additionally, I am the worst debater in history. I freeze up.

Don't get me wrong. I know the EXACT reasons I am voting for who I am voting for, when I am reading articles and interviews concerning the candidates and can run my brain through my mental files of facts. But pit me against someone else, and those facts and statistics just fly out of my head.

Just a warning, dear reader, if you are reading this and get the bright idea to ask me who I am voting for, don't be surprised if the topic of conversation changes to something else, say perhaps, my love of the RevoStyler brush, or the annoyances of the Ford brand, or pigs flying with red capes.


Anonymous said...

Just one question for you.........Whats so bad about Ford?

Seana said...

Where to start, where to start? I've had nothing but bad experiences with the Ford Brand. One of our minivans when I was growing up had an engine that blew up less than a month after we sold it to someone else, for the first example.

Second, when I was learning how to drive, I was going to get my mother's Ford Probe, (sweet car). It died one day completely, less than a month before it would've been mine. Went from 55 to 5 in a minute, and never went faster again.

Third, I drive a Ford Focus now..(not my choice), and it's a P.O.S. Falling apart on me, most likely going to bite the dust in the next few months, and I am so upside-down on it that I don't know what I will do when it does die for good.

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Coralville, Iowa, United States