Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An Unusual Monday...

Last Monday started out like any other Monday. I was missing Jeff, working at the dungeon, when I get a call through to my voice mail. I couldn't answer it right away, but I went and listened to the voice mail quick, and to my surprise it was Josh!

I knew he was in town on leave for a few weeks, but didn't think I was going to get the chance to see him. I had been thinking that I didn't feel like driving all the way to Cedar Rapids when he left the voice mail saying he would be in town Monday night. So, of course, I wanted to have our mini-reunion before he headed off to his next tour of Iraq. Turns out, he didn't think I was going to show up! But I did, and man he hasn't changed much since when we were younger. Still the same good humor, and his laugh is definitely the same.

His mom didn't know how we had gotten back in contact, which was the result of my searching for him, Jeremy and Jonathon (his brothers) over the period of a couple of years. Josh and I hadn't see each other for about eight years.

Now, he is on the way to Iraq for another eight or nine months...

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Coralville, Iowa, United States