Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Response to a blog entry about things that have been said to her about her weight by exes

I can soooo totally sympathize!!! I am 23 years old, and weigh 105 pounds. I have always had a really really high metabolism and my grade school teachers were always sure that I was malnourished and abused so they made my mom take me to the doctor every 2-3 months. NOTHING wrong with me!! I eat a full meal every couple of hours, and have struggled to gain weight my entire life. It’s taken me six years to go from 90 pounds up to 105!!

I seriously have no eating disorders or health problems, so why can’t I gain weight?? Even the doctor that I saw last month laughed at me when I said I wanted to gain weight. His advice? "Eat more." I don’t think I can eat any more than I do!!

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