Friday, February 22, 2008

Trying to empty out my thought at a time

I've been thinking about things, and thought I would start jotting down the things that have been running through my mind, just to get them out of my head and hopefully be done with them.

I know it's going to sound really bad.. but Christianity turns me off big time. It's 70% because in my last relationship, the guy gave me a promise ring after one month, an engagement ring after three months, and then wanted to turn me into a good, behaved Christian preacher's wife, barefoot and pregnant without any real say in anything. When I tried to get space, he would sit on the hill behind my house and wait for me to come home if I was in town, or wait for me to come outside if I was home.

I did, however, finally rid myself of him with the help of one of my guy friends, and now am in a very wonderful relationship. We've been together for two and a half years next month!!

Dear Reader, I would love to hear your wonderful (or not so wonderful) dating stories, and memorable experiences with the opposite sex. Or same sex if you prefer :P

Comments and kudos would be awesome as well!!

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Coralville, Iowa, United States